TotalNET Advanced Server 5.2 Reference Manual


This command sends messages to NetBIOS file service clients. You may specify any number of service names, user names, or clients, up to the maximum length of the command line, preceding each with the corresponding option. This specification defaults to all connected NetBIOS file service clients.

You can use any text for a message, but if it includes any of the following characters, enclose it in quotes to keep the UNIX shell from evaluating the message and protect embedded quotes:

#  $  &  *  {  `  "  `  ?  |  ^  !

If the message text includes dollar signs ($) or back quotes (`), enclose them in apostrophes (').




nbmessage [-u username] [-c clientname] [-s service] [-n NetBIOS_client...] message


(no options) 

Send a message to all connected clients. 

-u username

Send a message to a specific user. 

-c clientname

Send a message to a specific client, whose name you can learn with tninfo -f.

-s service

Send a message to all clients connected to a specific service. 

-n NBclient

Send a message to a specific NetBIOS client. 


Enter the message text to send to clients. 


  1. Use the following command to send the message "Roger will back up the server tonight" to all connected clients:

    nbmessage "Roger will back up the server tonight"
  2. Use the following command to send the message "You look smashing" to user smitten:

    nbmessage -u smitten "You look smashing"
  3. Use the following command to send the message "Who are you?" to the client" N(ickky<00>/2/0)3":

    nbmessage -c "N(ickky<00>/2/0)3" "Who are you?"
  4. Use the following command to send the message "The server will shut down in 5 minutes!" to all clients connected to the file service nbmauve:

    nbmessage -s nbmauve:file "The server will shut down
     	in 5 minutes!"
  5. Use the following command to send the message "Who are you?" to NetBIOS client NTPC:

    nbmessage -n NTPC "Who are you?"