TotalNET Advanced Server 5.2 Reference Manual


This command starts file, print, and transport service processes and allows client connections. The tnstart command performs the following steps:

  1. Determines the location and verifies the existence of the TAS and TAS home directories.

  2. Checks the TAS file service connection database and lock file.

  3. Starts transport daemons, such as NBUd and IPXd.

  4. Starts TAS system level programs such as TNdiskfree, realm level daemons such as NBdaemon and NWdaemon, and realm-specific programs.

  5. Starts services in each realm.

    If you enable the LM-NT-OS/2 realm, a short delay occurs before you can use TAS, while NBname checks the network for NetBIOS name conflicts.




tnstart [-r realm] [-t type] [-s service]
tnstart -B [-r realm]
tnstart -F



Enable the base realm--the realm without the services, transports, and other options. When you use -r with -B, TAS enables the base system and the specified realm but none of the services in the realm.


Refresh the system. 


You must restart TAS any time you restart the UNIX system.


  1. Use the following command to start TAS:

  2. Use the following command to start the nwspock file service in the NetWare realm:

    tnstart -r NW -s nwspock:file
  3. Use the following command to start the base system in the LM-NT-OS/2 realm:

    tnstart -B -r NB