TotalNET Advanced Server 5.2 Reference Manual


This command executes a program external to the login script. Include command parameters as needed, just as when you execute such a command from the DOS command line. Command control returns to the login script after the external command executes.


# [path] filename [parameter]



Specify the path to the file. 


Specify the base name of a file with a .bat, .com, or .exe extension. You need not include the extension unless two files with the same base name reside in the same directory. 


Specify the command parameter. 


  1. Use the following command to verify the system time:

    # time
  2. Use the following command to redirect a printer port to a network print queue:

    # capture q=laser
  3. Use the following command to run a batch file to check your "to do" list:

    # sys:/home/janet/todo.bat