TotalNET Advanced Server 5.2 Reference Manual


This command enables or disables termination of login script execution. A break entry does not affect the DOS break state.


break {on|off}



Enable the option to terminate execution of the script by pressing Control-p or Control-c at any point after the break on entry and before a break off entry, if included. The server does not save type-ahead keyboard input in the keyboard buffer when you use this option. 


Disable the option to terminate execution of the script. If you set break to off, you cannot set it back to on. 


  1. Use the following command to enable the option to terminate execution of the script by pressing Control-p or Control-c at any point after the break on entry and before a break off entry:

    break on
  2. Use the following command to disable the option to terminate execution of the script:

    break off