TotalNET Advanced Server 5.2 Reference Manual


This attribute specifies the share-mode password for a volume in the LM-NT-OS/2 realm, if you set share-access to on. Enter the value for password-string in plain text. You may use the following values for AppleTalk passwords: # (special value to deny access), "" (password checked and access allowed), and password (the actual password).

For the "read" (-R) option, this attribute indicates the status of the share-mode password. If you cannot determine the status of the password because of access restrictions, this attribute has the value "?". It has the value "x" if the volume has an share-mode password, "#" if the password denies all access, and ""--the null string--if the volume has no password.

For the "add" (-A) option, this attribute specifies the share-mode password to apply to the volume, in plain text. The "#" value indicates that the password should deny access in share mode. If you do not specify this attribute, or if you specify the string as "null" or "", clients can access the volume in share mode without passwords.

For the "modify" (-M) option, this attribute allows you to remove the share-password attribute by setting it to null or "". The volume then becomes accessible in share mode to clients without passwords.


tnvolume -M -v volume -a share-passwd=password-string