TotalNET Advanced Server 5.2 Reference Manual


This attribute defines whether a list of users can access a file service. You may enter allow or deny, followed by a list of UNIX user names separated by commas. If you define allow, TAS grants only the defined users access to the file service. If you define deny, TAS denies only the defined users access to the file service. If you define neither of these attributes, TAS grants access to all UNIX users. In the LM-NT-OS/2 realm, this attribute also has no effect if you set the share-mode attribute to on.

If defined, this attribute takes precedence over the no-login attribute. If you define both the login-control and no-login attributes for a service, which you should not do, TAS ignores the no-login attribute. You should use this attribute for login control of file services, since future releases will not support the no-login attribute.


tnservice -M -r realm -s service -a login-control={allow|deny} username...