TotalNET Advanced Server 5.2 Reference Manual


Attribute for all transports:

Attributes for the tcpip transport:

Attributes for the tnipx transport:

Attributes for the tnatk transport:


With TAS, you can mark transports as templates. When you set this attribute to on, TAS treats the defined object as a real object without affecting the system's runtime behavior. The TAS installation program creates templates with names that reflect their objects. You can assign default values to templates for the system to use when creating new objects. When you set the value of template-only to off, the defined object becomes real.


tntransport -M -n transport -a template-only={on|off}


This attribute specifies the host part of broadcast addresses. It applies only to a small fraction of platforms, namely those TCP/IP platforms that do not support the "get broadcast address interface" IOCTLs, such as Berkeley's SIOCGIFCONF. This attribute defaults to


tntransport -M -n tcpip -a bcast-style=address


This attribute only applies if this host uses multiple network interfaces for NetBIOS-over-TCP/IP. Setting this attribute to on forces the host to register multiple IP addresses with the ENS agent as equivalent.


tntransport -M -n tcpip -a NB-ensclient={on|off}


This attribute specifies the UDP port number at which the host makes ENS services available. If the network uses ENS, you should include this attribute on every LM-NT-OS/2 realm host server as an ENS client or ENS agent (ENSA). For the UDP-port-number variable, specify a number from 0 to 65535. It should not exceed 1023. It defaults to 228.


tntransport -M -n tcpip -a NB-ensport=UDP-port-number




These attributes specify the TCP/UDP port numbers at which NetBIOS services reside. By default, these attributes do not exist, which means the same as 137, 138, and 139, respectively. Since NetBIOS clients can rarely use non-standard port numbers, these attributes generally apply only during development or troubleshooting. Do not change these attributes from their default values.


tntransport -M -n transport
 	-a {NB-name-port|NB-dgram-port|


This attribute specifies a list of IP addresses, in Internet dotted numeric notation, at which the ENS Network Directory Agents (NDAs) reside. Separate addresses with commas. If you do not leave this list empty, the system acts as an ENSA. This attribute supports only one NDA.


tntransport -M -n tcpip -a NB-nd-addr=IP-address


This attribute causes the TAS host to act as the Network Directory Agent (NDA) for the enterprise-wide network. It defaults to off.


tntransport -M -n tcpip -a NB-nd-enable={on|off}


This attribute specifies the UDP destination port number for transmitting data to the NDA. If the network uses ENS, you should include this command on every ENSA on the network if the default port number 227 does not work, and also on all systems where the NDA resides. For port-number, specify a number from 0 to 65535. It should not exceed 1023. The default value generally suffices.


tntransport -M -n tcpip -a NB-nd-port=port-number


This attribute enables or disables TCP keepalives. It defaults to off. If you set the option it to on, the system does not enable TCP keepalives. If the underlying TCP implementation provides keepalives, NetBIOS TCP sessions normally enable TCP keepalives. TCP keepalives differ from NetBIOS keepalives, which have separate controls.


tntransport -M -n tcpip -a NB-nokeep={on|off}


This attribute specifies the NetBIOS naming scope. It allows the unique NetBIOS name to expand for use in large or dispersed networks. This attribute limits the scope--also called the logical domain--of NetBIOS names. For example, the name JOE may have the scope ADMIN. End users cannot see the scope, but the name transmitted over the network contains both parts of the name, in the form JOE.ADMIN. The addition of the naming scope prevents confusion with other nodes called JOE on other network segments.

The scope applies over at least the local network segment and to all NetBIOS names in LM-NT-OS/2 realm. It consists of any ASCII string up to 256 characters. It defaults to no naming scope.


tntransport -M -n tcpip -a NB-scope=scope-string


This attribute designates the "receive" buffer size to set in TCP. This attribute defaults to 0--no "receive" buffers.


tntransport -M -n transport -a recvbuf=bufsize


This attribute designates the "send" buffer size to set in TCP. This attribute defaults to 0--no "send" buffers.


tntransport -M -n transport -a sendbuf=bufsize



These attributes control IPX RIP aging. Measure the first rip-age-timeout in IPX RIP polling-timer ticks and the second in seconds. By default these attributes do not exist--they default to 2 and 180, respectively. Do not change these attributes from their default values.


tntransport -M -n tnipx -a rip-age-multiple=2
tntransport -M -n tnipx -a rip-age-timeout=180


This attribute determines the frequency, in seconds, at which to send IPX RIP broadcasts. It defaults to 60. Do not change this attribute from its default value.


tntransport -M -n tnipx -a rip-bcast-interval=60


This attribute determines the inter-packet gap for IPX RIP, in milliseconds. Use this attribute when one network receives multiple IPX RIP packets in succession. This attribute defaults to 40. Do not change this attribute from its default value.


tntransport -M -n tnipx -a rip-ipg=40


This attribute designates the maximum number of IPX RIP entries for each outgoing packet. For each interface, you may reduce the value to fit within the maximum data size available. This attribute defaults to 50, the value given by Novell. Do not change this attribute from its default value.


tntransport -M -n tnipx -a rip-max-entries=50


This attribute determines the frequency, in seconds, of IPX RIP polling-timer ticks. This controls IPX RIP aging and cross-checking. This attribute defaults to 30. Do not change this attribute from its default value.


tntransport -M -n tnipx -a rip-poll-base=30




These attributes control IPX RIP cross-checking. Measure the first in IPX RIP polling-timer ticks. The other values represent the fraction of the IPX RIP table to check and one of two ways to check it. By default these attributes do not exist--they default to 20, 6, and 6, respectively. Do not change these attributes from their default values.


tntransport -M -n tnipx -a rip-xck-multiple=20
tntransport -M -n tnipx -a rip-xck-fract=6
tntransport -M -n tnipx -a rip-xck-prob=6


This attribute specifies whether IPX Routing Information Protocol (RIP) advertises the routing services. It defaults to on.

For tnatk, this attribute controls whether the system acts as an AppleTalk router or not. It defaults to auto, which means that the system acts as a router if you specify more than one tnatk interface.


tntransport -M -n tnipx -a router={on|off}



These attributes control IPX SAP aging in units of seconds. By default these attributes do not exist--they default to 60 and 180, respectively. Do not change these attributes from their default values.


tntransport -M -n tnipx -a sap-age-interval=60
tntransport -M -n tnipx -a sap-age-timeout=180


This attribute specifies whether IPX SAP GetNearestServer queries receive responses. It defaults to on. Do not change this attribute from the default unless so directed by Syntax Technical Support.


tntransport -M -n tnipx
 	-a sap-answer-nearest={on|off}


This attribute determines the frequency, in seconds, at which to send IPX SAP broadcasts. By default this attribute does not exist--it defaults to 60. Do not change this attribute from its default value.


tntransport -M -n tnipx -a sap-bcast-interval=60


This attribute determines the inter-packet gap for IPX SAP, expressed in milliseconds. It defaults to 40. Use this command when a network receives multiple IPX SAP packets in succession.


tntransport -M -n tnipx -a sap-ipg=40


This attribute determines the maximum number of IPX SAP entries for each outgoing packet. It defaults to 7, the value given by Novell. For each interface, you may reduce the value to fit within the maximum data size available on that interface.


tntransport -M -n tnipx -a sap-max-entries=7


This attribute designates the SPX maximum packet size. It defaults to off--8192. Do not change this attribute from its default value.


tntransport -M -n tnipx -a spxmaxpacket=8192


This attribute specifies the system's AppleTalk zone.


tntransport -M -n tnatk -a local-zone=zonename


This attribute controls whether TAS acts as an AppleTalk router. It defaults to auto, which means that TAS acts as a router if you configure more than one tnatk interface.


tntransport -M -n tnatk -a router={auto|on|off}