TotalNET Advanced Server 5.2 Reference Manual



Cancel the tnkill command currently in progress.


Terminate all TAS client connections immediately, without sending a default system-shutdown message to connected clients. 

-u user

Specify the user to disconnect. You may specify user names or client network names and use multiple -u and -c options.

-c client

Specify the client to disconnect. You may specify user names or client network names and use multiple -u and -c options.


Specify the minutes before disconnection. You must define reason to use this option. This option defaults to 0 and has no upper limit. 


Give the reason for the disconnection. You must define minutes to use this option. Your explanation can contain any text of up to 60 characters. If the explanation includes any of the following characters, you may need to enclose it in quotes, depending on the UNIX shell you use: 

# $ & * [ ' " ` ? \ |^ !