TotalNET Advanced Server 5.2 Reference Manual


(no options) 

Display information about the licenses for all TAS realms. 


Display the system host ID of the TAS host. 


Display the product designations of installed licensed products. 

-d product

Delete the license for a product. 

-p product

Display the license attributes of a product. The designation for product should exactly match one of the designations output by the tnlicense -l command.

-k key

Verify and display the license information from the license keys, including the system ID, the product, the number of users, and the user and time limits. This allows you to examine an activation key before adding it to the TAS ID database. Enclose the key in quotes to prevent misinterpretation by the UNIX shell. 


Install the license for a new product, using the specified key. Enclose the key in quotes to prevent misinterpretation by the UNIX shell. 

-m key

Modify the license of an existing licensed product, using the specified key. Use this option for product upgrades. Enclose the key in quotes to prevent misinterpretation by the UNIX shell.