Viewing Online Documentation Using the AnswerBook2 System

Man Pages Search Results Page

When you choose Man Pages by Keyword from the pop-up menu in the Search box, the AnswerBook2 system searches through the SGML-based man pages registered with the server. The resulting list shows all man pages (man page name and brief description) that appears to match what you entered.

The search results window displays a special icon to the left of each item listed. This icon indicates how closely the particular section matches your search criteria. The more filled the icon, the closer the match. For example, this icon indicates an almost certain match to your search criteria whereas this icon indicates about a 50% chance that the section contains a match to your search criteria.

If your search produced no matching results, the search results page displays a message that tells you no matches were found. Because the Man Pages by Keyword search only looks through SGML-based man pages, this message might indicate the man page is in a non-SGML book. In this case, try searching your Personal Library or the Complete Library to find the appropriate man page.