Sun Global Glossary

“JAE” to “JVM”


See JavaTM Application Environment.

JAR file (.jar)

(JavaTM ARchive file) (n.) A file format used for aggregating many files into one.

JAR file format

(JavaTM ARchive file format) (n.) A platform-independent file format that aggregates many files into one file. Multiple applets written in the Java programming language, and their requisite components (.class files, images, sounds, and other resource files) can be bundled in a JAR file and subsequently downloaded to a browser in a single HTTP transaction. JAR also supports file compression and digital signatures.


(n.) A programming interface (part of the Java Foundation Classes in the Java 2 SDK) that provides an advanced two-dimensional imaging model for complex shapes, text, and images. Features include enhanced font and color support and a single, comprehensive rendering model.

JavaTM 2 SDK

(n.) The software development kit that developers need to build applications for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, v. 1.2. See also Java Development Kit (JDKTM).

JavaTM Accessibility API

(n.) A programming interface (part of the Java Foundation Classes) that enables assistive technologies to interact and communicate with JFC components. A Java application that fully supports the Java Accessibility API is compatible with such technologies as screen readers and screen magnifiers. See also accessibility, Java Accessibility Utilities.

JavaTM Accessibility Utilities

(n.) A set of utilities (provided in the Java 2 SDK) for use by the vendors that create assistive technologies or automated tool tests. See also accessibility, Java Accessibility API, Java Foundation Classes (JFC).

JavaTM Application Environment

(JAE) (n.) The source code release of the Java Development Kit (JDKTM) software.

JavaBeansTM model

(n.) A portable, platform-independent reusable component model.

Java BlendTM tool

(n.) A product that enables developers to simplify database application development by mapping database records to objects in the JavaTM programming language (Java objects) and Java objects to databases.

Java CardTM API

(n.) An ISO 7816-4 compliant application environment focused on smart cards.

JavaCheckTM tool

(n.) A tool for checking compliance of applications and applets to a specification.

JavaChipTM processor

(n.) The SunTM processor that executes bytecode for the JavaTM virtual machine (JVM) natively. With a JavaChip processor, bytecode bypasses the virtual machine or just-in-time compiler stage to go directly to the processor.

JavaTM Database Connectivity

(JDBC) (n.) An industry standard for database-independent connectivity between the Java platform and a wide range of databases. The JDBC provides a call-level API for SQL-based database access.

JavaTM Development Kit (JDKTM)

(n.) A software development environment for writing applets and applications in the Java programming language.

JavaTM Electronic Commerce Framework

(n.) A structured architecture for the development of electronic commerce applications in the Java programming language.

JavaTM Enterprise API

(n.) An API that enables the creation of large-scale commercial and database applications that can share multimedia data with other applications within an organization or across the Internet. Four APIs have been designed within the Java Enterprise API family.

JavaTM Foundation Classes

(JFC) (n.) An extension that adds graphical user interface class libraries to the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT).


(Java Interface Definition Language) (n.) APIs written in the Java programming language that provide a standards-based compatibility and connectivity with Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA).

JavaTM look and feel

(n.) The default appearance and behavior for JFC applications, designed for cross-platform use. The Java look and feel works in the same way on any platform that supports the Java Foundation Classes.

JavaTM Media APIs

(n.) A set of APIs that support the integration of audio and video clips, 2D fonts, graphics, and images as well as 3D models and telephony.

JavaTM Media Framework

(n.) The core framework supports clocks for synchronizing between different media, such as audio and video output. The standard extension framework enables you to do full audio and video streaming.

Java Naming and Directory Interface

(JNDITM) (n.) A set of APIs that assist with the interfacing to multiple naming and directory services.

JavaOSTM system

(n.) A JavaTM technology-based operating system that is optimized to run on a variety of computing and consumer platforms. The JavaOS system provides a runtime specifically tuned to run applications written in the Java programming language directly on hardware platforms without requiring a host operating system.

JavaPlanTM tool

(n.) An object-oriented design and diagramming tool written in the JavaTM programming language.

JavaTM platform

(n.) The Java virtual machine (JVM) and the Java core classes. The Java platform provides a uniform programming interface to a program written entirely in the Java programming language regardless of the underlying operating system.

JavaTM programming language

(n.) An object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. The Write Once, Run Anywhere programming language.

JavaTM runtime environment

(JRE) (n.) A subset of the Java Development Kit (JDKTM) for users and developers who want to redistribute the runtime environment. The Java runtime environment consists of the Java virtual machine (JVM) , the Java core classes, and supporting files.


(Java Remote Method Invocation) (n.) A distributed object model for Java program to Java program, in which the methods of remote objects written in the Java programming language can be invoked from other Java virtual machines, possibly on different hosts.

JavaSafeTM tool

(n.) A tool for tracking and managing source file changes, written in the JavaTM programming language.

JavaScriptTM language

(n.) A Web scripting language that is used in both browsers and Web servers. Like all scripting languages, it is used primarily to tie together other components or to accept user input.

JavaSpacesTM technology

(n.) A technology that provides distributed persistence and data exchange mechanisms for code in the JavaTM programming language.

Java StudioTM software

(n.) The first program that enables you to create JavaTM technology-based applications and applets without having to know the Java programming language.

JavaTM virtual machine

(JVMTM) (n.) The part of the Java runtime environment (JRE) responsible for interpreting bytecodes.

JavaTM wallet interface

(n.) A user interface, built on the Java Electronic Commerce Framework, that enables online purchases, value transfers, and administrative functions.

Java Web ServerTM

(n.) The easy-to-use, extensible, easy-to-administer, secure, platform-independent solution to speed and simplify the deployment and management of your Internet and intranet web sites. It provides immediate productivity for full-featured, JavaTM technology-based server applications.

Java WorkShopTM software

(n.) A complete set of tools integrated into a single environment for managing programming with JavaTM technology. The Java Workshop software uses a modular structure that enables you to plug new tools into the overall structure.


See JavaTM Database Connectivity.


(n.) See JavaTM Development Kit (JDKTM).


(JavaTM Foundation Classes) (n.) A product that includes the Swing classes, pluggable look and feel designs, and the Java Accessibility API (all implemented without native code and compatible with JDK 1.1). For the Java 2 platform, the JFC also include the Java 2D API, drag and drop, and other enhancements. See also Abstract Window Tookit (AWT).

JFC application

(n.) An application built with the JavaTM Foundation Classes (JFC).

JIT compiler

See just-in-time compiler.


(JavaTM Management API) (n.) A collection of Java programming language classes and interfaces that enable developers to build system, network, and service management applications.


(n.) JavaTM Messaging Services (Java API]).


(Java Naming and Directory InterfaceTM) (n.) A set of APIs that assist with the interfacing to multiple naming and directory services.


(n.) A user-defined task to be completed by a computer system.

job control program

(n.) The specific instructions for the operating system, stating conditions necessary to run a job; this includes input and output requirements, among other details.

job number

(n.) A number that the system assigns to each process running on that machine.


(n.) A chronological record of operations performed in a computer system.


(n.) A graphics format developed by the Joint Photographic Experts Group. The JPEG format is frequently used for photographs and other complex images that benefit from a larger color palette than a GIF image can provide. JPEG compression is “lossy”; decompressed images are not identical to uncompressed images.


(JavaTM runtime environment) (n.) A subset of the Java Development Kit (JDK) for users and developers who want to redistribute the runtime environment. The Java runtime environment consists of the Java virtual machine (JVM), the Java core classes, and supporting files.


(n.) A storage device for optical disk data. Typically contains one to four disks and loads them as needed.


(n.) A type of installation that requires little user interaction.

jump table

(n.) A data structure containing addresses of other routines in memory. An algorithm determines where to extract the data, then program control is transferred to that address.

just-in-time compiler

(JIT compiler) (n.) A compiler that converts all the bytecode into native machine code just as a JavaTM program is run. This conversion results in runtime speed improvements over code that is interpreted by a Java virtual machine (JVM).


(JavaTM virtual machine) (n.) The part of the Java runtime environment (JRE) responsible for interpreting bytecodes.