Solaris for ISPs Administration Guide

Hardware Requirements

This section discusses the hardware such as CPU, disk space, RAM, and swap space required for the installation of Solaris for ISPs.

Solaris for ISPs Platform Extensions

This section discusses the hardware requirements for the installation of Solaris for ISPs platform extensions.

Table 4-3 Hardware Requirements for Platform Extensions
 Solaris for ISPs Platform Extensions  CPU Disk Space RAM Swap Space
 Recommended Minimum Recommended Recommended
Solaris for ISPs [The requirements specified here are for an installation of all the Solaris for ISPs components on a single machine.]  High-end dual processor system 4 GB 256 MB 1 GB
Solaris for ISPs Platform [Since this component must be installed on every machine running a Solaris for ISPs component, ensure that these requirements are met by every Solaris for ISPs machine on the network.]  High-end workstation 3 MB NA NA
 Sun Internet Administrator 1 MB 64 MB 64 MB
 Sun Directory Services 50 MB 64 MB 
 FlexLM License Server 3 MB NA NA
 Sun Internet Services Monitor 5 MB 64 MB 1 MB
SunscreenTM SKIP1.1.1 [Go to for more information.]  10 MB 32 MB 
 JDK 1.1.5 3 MB  
 HotJava 1.1.4 9 MB 32 MB 

Solaris for ISPs Services

This section discusses the hardware requirements for the installation of Solaris for ISPs services.

Table 4-4 Hardware Requirements for Services
 Solaris for ISPs Services CPU Disk Space RAM
 Recommended Minimum Minimum
 Sun Internet FTP Server High-end workstation 23.1 MB 64 MB
 Sun Internet News Server2-20 GB [This specification expands as news data base expands.]  64 MB
 SWS 4MB + documents and log files 64 MB