Solaris for ISPs Administration Guide

ispService Class

Purpose: Defines an entry representing a Solaris for ISPs software component. The ispService's relative distinguished name is the the ispVersion attribute and its value.

Table 6-3 ispService Attributes
 Attribute name Mandatory? Schema Purpose
associatedDomain No Base The domain with which this service is associated.
commonName Yes Base The name of the service (not used in Solaris for ISPs).
description No Base An arbitrary description of the service.
host No Base The fully-qualified name of the host where the service is installed.
ispDirectoryRoot No Extension A directory prefix to a location on the file system where a domain's content is virtually-hosted. Used by Sun Internet FTP Server and SWS when in a virtual host configuration.
ispPrivateData No Extension Software component password information for use by Sun Internet Administrator. This attribute is protected by ACLs from access by a user other than the directory root and Sun Internet Administrator.
ispServiceContext No Extension A CORBA naming context used by Sun Internet FTP Server and Sun Internet News Server.
ispServiceLocation No Extension A CORBA stringified object reference to the service administration server. (Used by Sun Internet FTP Server and Sun Internet News Server.)
ispSupplementaryInformation No Extension Arbitrary information about the service. Reserved for Solaris for ISPs service-specific needs.
ispVersion Yes Extension The release number (major.minor) of the service described by the entry.
labeledURI  No Base The path to the servlets for a three-tier GUI.
mail No Base The advertised electronic mail address of the user. Not used by Solaris for ISPs.
objectClass Yes BaseThe object class of the entry (ispService).
userCertificate No Base A certificate containing the public key of the user.
userPassword No Base The password of the entry, used for binding to the directory