FORTRAN 77 Language Reference

Chapter 2 Data Types and Data Items

This chapter describes the data types and data structures in Sun FORTRAN 77: "Types", "Constants", "Variables", "Arrays ", "Substrings", "Structures", and "Pointers ".

Nonstandard features are tagged with a small black diamond (@).


Except for specifically typeless constants, any constant, constant expression, variable, array, array element, substring, or function usually represents typed data.

On the other hand, data types are not associated with the names of programs or subroutines, block data routines, common blocks, namelist groups, or structured records.

Rules for Data Typing

The name determines the type; that is, the name of a datum or function determines its data type, explicitly or implicitly, according to the following rules of data typing;

Array Elements

An array element has the same type as the array name.


Each intrinsic function has a specified type. An intrinsic function does not require an explicit type statement, but that is allowed. A generic function does not have a predetermined type; the type is determined by the type of the arguments, as shown in Chapter 6, Intrinsic Functions .

An external function can have its type specified in any of the following ways:

Example: Explicitly by putting its name in a type statement:

	F = X + 1 

Example: Explicitly in its FUNCTION statement:

	F = X + 1 

Example: Implicitly by its name, as with variables:

	NXT = X + 1 

Implicit typing can affect the type of a function, either by default implicit typing or by an IMPLICIT statement. You must make the data type of the function be the same within the function subprogram as it is in the calling program unit. The f77 compiler does no type checking across program units.

Properties of Data Types

This section describes the data types in Sun FORTRAN 77.

Default data declarations, those that do not explicitly declare a data size can have their meanings changed by certain compiler options. The next section, "Size and Alignment of Data Types " summarizes data sizes and alignments and the effects of these options.


The BYTE data type provides a data type that uses only one byte of storage. It is a logical data type, and has the synonym, LOGICAL*1.

A variable of type BYTE can hold any of the following:

If it is interpreted as a logical value, a value of 0 represents .FALSE., and any other value is interpreted as .TRUE.

f77 allows the BYTE type as an array index, just as it allows the REAL type, but it does not allow BYTE as a DO loop index (where it allows only INTEGER, REAL, and DOUBLE PRECISION). Wherever the compiler expects INTEGER explicitly, it will not allow BYTE.


	BYTE 	Bit3 / 8 /, C1 / 'W' /, 
&	 	Counter / 0 /, Switch / .FALSE. / 

A BYTE item occupies 1 byte (8 bits) of storage, and is aligned on 1-byte boundaries.


The character data type, CHARACTER, which has the synonym, CHARACTER*1, holds one character.

The character is enclosed in apostrophes (') or quotes ("). @ Allowing quotes (") is nonstandard; if you compile with the -xl option, quotes mean something else, and you must use apostrophes to enclose a string.

The data of type CHARACTER is always unsigned. A CHARACTER item occupies 1 byte (8 bits) of storage and is aligned on 1-byte boundaries.


The character string data type, CHARACTER*n, where n > 0, holds a string of n characters.

A CHARACTER*n data type occupies n bytes of storage and is aligned on 1-byte boundaries.

Every character string constant is aligned on 2-byte boundaries. If it does not appear in a DATA statement, it is followed by a null character to ease communication with C routines.


A complex datum is an approximation of a complex number. The complex data type, COMPLEX, which defaults to a synonym for COMPLEX*8, is a pair of REAL*4 values that represent a complex number. The first element represents the real part and the second represents the imaginary part.

The default size for a COMPLEX item (no size specified) is 8 bytes. The default alignment is on 4-byte boundaries. However, these defaults can be changed by compiling with certain special options (see "Size and Alignment of Data Types ").


The complex data type COMPLEX*8 is a synonym for COMPLEX, except that it always has a size of 8 bytes, independent of any compiler options.

COMPLEX*16 (Double Complex) @

The complex data type COMPLEX*16 is a synonym for DOUBLE COMPLEX, except that it always has a size of 16 bytes, independent of any compiler options.

COMPLEX*32 (Quad Complex) @

(SPARC only) The complex data type COMPLEX*32 is a quadruple-precision complex. It is a pair of REAL*16 elements, where each has a sign bit, a 15-bit exponent, and a 112-bit fraction. These REAL*16 elements in f77 conform to the IEEE standard.

The size for COMPLEX*32 is 32 bytes.


The complex data type, DOUBLE COMPLEX, which usually has the synonym, COMPLEX*16, is a pair of DOUBLE PRECISION (REAL*8) values that represents a complex number. The first element represents the real part; the second represents the imaginary part.

The default size for DOUBLE COMPLEX with no size specified is 16.


A double-precision datum is an approximation of a real number. The double-precision data type, DOUBLE PRECISION, which has the synonym, REAL*8, holds one double-precision datum.

The default size for DOUBLE PRECISION with no size specified is 8 bytes.

A DOUBLE PRECISION element has a sign bit, an 11-bit exponent, and a 52-bit fraction. These DOUBLE PRECISION elements in f77 conform to the IEEE standard for double-precision floating-point data. The layout is shown in Appendix C, Data Representations .


The integer data type, INTEGER, holds a signed integer.

The default size for INTEGER with no size specified is 4, and is aligned on 4-byte boundaries. However, these defaults can be changed by compiling with certain special options (see "Size and Alignment of Data Types ").


The short integer data type, INTEGER*2, holds a signed integer. An expression involving only objects of type INTEGER*2 is of that type. Using this feature may have adverse performance implications, and we do not recommend it.

Generic functions return short or long integers depending on the default integer type. If a procedure is compiled with the -i2 flag, all integer constants that fit and all variables of type INTEGER (no explicit size) are of type INTEGER*2. If the precision of an integer-valued intrinsic function is not determined by the generic function rules, one is chosen that returns the prevailing length (INTEGER*2) when the -i2 compilation option is in effect. With -i2, the default length of LOGICAL quantities is 2 bytes.

Ordinary integers follow the FORTRAN rules about occupying the same space as a REAL variable. They are assumed to be equivalent to the C type long int, and 2-byte integers are of C type short int. These short integer and logical quantities do not obey the standard rules for storage association.

An INTEGER*2 occupies 2 bytes.

INTEGER*2 is aligned on 2-byte boundaries.


The integer data type, INTEGER*4, holds a signed integer.

An INTEGER*4 occupies 4 bytes.

INTEGER*4 is aligned on 4-byte boundaries.


The integer data type, INTEGER*8, holds a signed 64-bit integer.

An INTEGER*8 occupies 8 bytes.

INTEGER*8 is aligned on 8-byte boundaries.


The logical data type, LOGICAL, holds a logical value .TRUE. or .FALSE. The value 0 represents .FALSE.; any other value represents .TRUE.

The usual default size for an LOGICAL item with no size specified is 4, and is aligned on 4-byte boundaries. However, these defaults can be changed by compiling with certain special options.


The one-byte logical data type, LOGICAL*1, which has the synonym, BYTE, can hold any of the following:

The value is as defined for LOGICAL, but it can hold a character or small integer. An example:

	LOGICAL*1 		Bit3 / 8 /, C1 / 'W' /, 
& 			Counter / 0 /, Switch / .FALSE. / 

A LOGICAL*1 item occupies one byte of storage.

LOGICAL*1 is aligned on one-byte boundaries.


The data type, LOGICAL*2, holds logical value .TRUE. or .FALSE. The value is defined as for LOGICAL.

A LOGICAL*2 occupies 2 bytes.

LOGICAL*2 is aligned on 2-byte boundaries.


The logical data type, LOGICAL*4 holds a logical value .TRUE. or .FALSE. The value is defined as for LOGICAL.

A LOGICAL*4 occupies 4 bytes.

LOGICAL*4 is aligned on 4-byte boundaries.


The logical data type, LOGICAL*8, holds the logical value .TRUE. or .FALSE. The value is defined the same way as for the LOGICAL data type.

A LOGICAL*8 occupies 8 bytes.

LOGICAL*8 is aligned on 8-byte boundaries.


A real datum is an approximation of a real number. The real data type, REAL, which usually has the synonym, REAL*4, holds one real datum.

The usual default size for a REAL item with no size specified is 4 bytes, and is aligned on 4-byte boundaries. However, these defaults can be changed by compiling with certain special options.

A REAL element has a sign bit, an 8-bit exponent, and a 23-bit fraction. These REAL elements in f77 conform to the IEEE standard.

REAL*4 @

The REAL*4 data type is a synonym for REAL, except that it always has a size of 4 bytes, independent of any compiler options.

REAL*8 (Double-Precision Real) @

The REAL*8, data type is a synonym for DOUBLE PRECISION, except that it always has a size of 8 bytes, independent of any compiler options.

REAL*16 (Quad Real) @

(SPARC only) The REAL*16 data type is a quadruple-precision real. The size for a REAL*16 item is 16 bytes. A REAL*16 element has a sign bit, a 15-bit exponent, and a 112-bit fraction. These REAL*16 elements in f77 conform to the IEEE standard for extended precision.

Size and Alignment of Data Types

Storage and alignment are always given in bytes. Values that can fit into a single byte are byte-aligned.

The size and alignment of types depends on various compiler options and platforms, and how variables are declared. The maximum alignment in COMMON blocks is to 4-byte boundaries.

Default data alignment and storage allocation can be changed by compiling with special options, such as -f, -dalign, -dbl_align_all, -dbl, -r8, -i2, and -xtypemap. The default descriptions in this manual assume that these options are not in force.

Refer to the Fortran User's Guide for details of specific compiler options.

The following table summarizes the default size and alignment, ignoring other aspects of types and options.

Table 2-1 Default Data Sizes and Alignments (in Bytes)

Fortran 77 Data Type 


  Default Alignment  

SPARC x86 

  Alignment in COMMON  

SPARC  x86 

































Note the following:

Compiling with options -i2,-r8, or -dbl changes the defaults for certain data declarations that appear without an explicit size:

Table 2-2 Data Defaults Changed by -i2, -r8, -dbl

Default Type 

With -i2

With -r8 or -dbl


Do not combine -i2 with -r8 as this can produce unexpected results. REAL*16 and COMPLEX*32 are SPARC only.

With -dbl or -r8, INTEGER and LOGICAL are allocated the larger space indicated above. This is done to maintain the FORTRAN requirement that an integer item and a real item have the same amount of storage. However, with -r8 8 bytes are allocated but only 4-byte arithmetic is done. With -dbl, 8 bytes are allocated and full 8-byte arithmetic is done. In all other ways, -dbl and -r8 produce the same results. A disadvantage of using -r8 or -dbl is that it also promotes DOUBLE PRECISION data to QUAD PRECISION, possibly degrading performance.

Use of the more flexible -xtypemap option is preferred over the older -r8 and -dbl options. Both -dbl and -r8 have their -xtypemap equivalents:

The mapping integer:mixed indicates 8 byte integers but only 4 byte arithmetic.

There are two additional possibilities on SPARC:

-xtypemap=real:64,double:64,integer:mixed -xtypemap=real:64,double:64,integer:64

which map both default REAL and DOUBLE to 8 bytes, and should be preferable over using -r8 or -dbl.

Note that INTEGER and LOGICAL are treated the same, and COMPLEX is mapped as two REAL values. Also, DOUBLE COMPLEX will be treated the way DOUBLE is mapped.

Options -f or -dalign (SPARC only) force alignment of all 8, 16, or 32-byte data onto 8-byte boundaries. Option -dbl_align_all causes all data to be aligned on 8-byte boundaries. Programs that depend on the use of these options may not be portable.

See the Fortran User's Guide for details on these compiler options.


A literal constant is a datum whose value cannot change throughout the program unit. The form of the string representing a constant determines the value and data type of the constant. (For a named constant, defined by a PARAMETER statement, the name defines the data type.)

There are three general kinds of constants:

Blank characters within an arithmetic or logical constant do not affect the value of the constant. Within character constants, they do affect the value.

Here are the different kinds of arithmetic constants:

Typed Constants 

Typeless Constants 



Double complex 


Double precision 






A signed constant is an arithmetic constant with a leading plus or minus sign. An unsigned constant is an arithmetic constant without a leading sign.

For integer, real, and double-precision data, zero is neither positive nor negative. The value of a signed zero is the same as that of an unsigned zero.

Compiling with any of the options -i2, -dbl, -r8, or -xtypemap alters the default size of integer, real, complex, and double precision constants. These options are described in Chapter 2, and in the Fortran User's Guide.

Character Constants

A character-string constant is a string of characters enclosed in apostrophes or quotes. The apostrophes are standard; the quotes are not. @

If you compile with the -xl option, then the quotes mean something else, and you must use apostrophes to enclose a string.

To include an apostrophe in an apostrophe-delimited string, repeat it. To include a quote in a quote-delimited string, repeat it. Examples:

'abc'			"abc" 
'ain''t'			"in vi type ""h9Y"

If a string begins with one kind of delimiter, the other kind can be embedded within it without using the repeated quote or backslash escapes. See Table 2-3.

Example: Character constants:

"abc" 		"abc"
"ain't"		'in vi type "h9Y'

Null Characters @

Each character string constant appearing outside a DATA statement is followed by a null character to ease communication with C routines. You can make character string constants consisting of no characters, but only as arguments being passed to a subprogram. Such zero length character string constants are not FORTRAN standard.

Example: Null character string:

demo% cat NulChr.f
	write(*,*) 'a', '', 'b'
demo% f77 NulChr.f
demo% a.out

However, if you put such a null character constant into a character variable, the variable will contain a blank, and have a length of at least 1 byte.

Example: Length of null character string:

demo% cat NulVar.f
	character*1 x / 'a' /, y / '' /, z / 'c' / 
	write(*,*) x, y, z 
	write(*,*) len( y ) 
demo% f77 NulVar.f
demo% a.out
a c 

Escape Sequences @

For compatibility with C usage, the following backslash escapes are recognized. If you include the escape sequence in a character string, then you get the indicated character.

Table 2-3 Backslash Escape Sequences

Escape Sequence 





Carriage return 






Form feed 


Vertical tab 




Apostrophe, which does not terminate a string 


Quotation mark, which does not terminate a string 



x, where x is any other character

If you compile with the -xl option, then the backslash character (\) is treated as an ordinary character. That is, with the -xl option, you cannot use these escape sequences to get special characters.

Technically, the escape sequences are not nonstandard, but are implementation- defined.

Complex Constants

A complex constant is an ordered pair of real or integer constants (or PARAMETER constants@). The constants are separated by a comma, and the pair is enclosed in parentheses. The first constant is the real part, and the second is the imaginary part. A complex constant, COMPLEX*8, uses 8 bytes of storage.

Example: Complex constants:

( 9.01, .603 ) 
( +1.0, -2.0 ) 
( +1.0, -2 ) 
( 1, 2 ) 
( 4.51, )				Invalid -need second part

COMPLEX*16 Constants

A double-complex constant, COMPLEX*16, is an ordered pair of real or integer constants, where one of the constants is REAL*8, and the other is INTEGER, REAL*4, or REAL*8. @

The constants are separated by a comma, and the pair is enclosed in parentheses. The first constant is the real part, and the second is the imaginary part. A double-complex constant, COMPLEX*16, uses 16 bytes of storage.

Example: Double-complex constants:

( 9.01D6, .603 ) ( +1.0, -2.0D0 ) ( 1D0, 2 ) ( 4.51D6, ) Invalid-need second part ( +1.0, -2.0 ) Not DOUBLE COMPLEX-need a REAL*8

COMPLEX*32 (Quad Complex) Constants

(SPARC only) A quad complex constant @ is an ordered pair of real or integer constants, where one of the constants is REAL*16, and the other is INTEGER, REAL*4, REAL*8, or REAL*16. @

The constants are separated by a comma, and the pair is enclosed in parentheses. The first constant is the real part, and the second is the imaginary part. A quad complex constant, COMPLEX*32 @, uses 32 bytes of storage.

Example: Quad complex constants (SPARC only):

( 9.01Q6, .603 ) 
( +1.0, -2.0Q0 ) 
( 1Q0, 2 ) 
( 3.3Q-4932, 9 ) 
( 1, 1.1Q+4932 ) 
( 4.51Q6, ) 							Invalid-need second part 
( +1.0, -2.0 ) 							Not quad complex -need a REAL*16

Integer Constants

An integer constant consists of an optional plus or minus sign, followed by a string of decimal digits.


Example: Integer constants:

-2147483649 							Invalid-too small, error message 
2.71828 							Not INTEGER-decimal point not allowed 
1E6							Not INTEGER-E not allowed 
29,002 							Invalid-comma not allowed, error message 
2147483648 							Invalid- too large, error message 

Alternate Octal Notation @

You can also specify integer constants with the following alternate octal notation. Precede an integer string with a double quote (") and compile with the -xl option. These are octal constants of type INTEGER.

Example: The following two statements are equivalent:

	JCOUNT = ICOUNT + "703 

You can also specify typeless constants as binary, octal, hexadecimal, or Hollerith. See "Typeless Constants (Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal) ".

Long Integers @

Compiling with an option that promotes the range from INTEGER*4(-21474836, 21474836) to INTEGER*8 (-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807). The integer constant is stored or passed as an 8-byte integer, data type INTEGER*8.

Short Integers @

If a constant argument is in the range (-32768, 32767), it is usually widened to a 4-byte integer, data type INTEGER*4; but compiling with the -i2 option will cause it to be stored or passed as a 2-byte integer, data type INTEGER*2.

Logical Constants

A logical constant is either the logical value true or false. The only logical constants are .TRUE. and .FALSE.; no others are possible. The period delimiters are necessary.

A logical constant takes 4 bytes of storage. If it is an actual argument, it is passed as 4 bytes, unless compiled with the -i2 option, in which case it is passed as 2.

Real Constants

A real constant is an approximation of a real number. It can be positive, negative, or zero. It has a decimal point or an exponent. If no sign is present, the constant is assumed to be nonnegative.

Real constants, REAL*4, use 4 bytes of storage.

Basic Real Constant

A basic real constant consists of an optional plus or minus sign, followed by an integer part, followed by a decimal point, followed by a fractional part.

The integer part and the fractional part are each strings of digits, and you can omit either of these parts, but not both.

Example: Basic real constants:


Real Exponent

A real exponent consists of the letter E, followed by an optional plus or minus sign, followed by an integer.

Example: Real exponents:


Real Constant

A real constant has one of these forms:

A real exponent denotes a power of ten. The value of a real constant is the product of that power of ten and the constant that precedes the E.

Example: Real constants:

$1.0E2.0 							Invalid- $ not allowed, error message 
82							Not REAL-need decimal point or exponent 
29,002.0 							Invalid -comma not allowed, error message 
1.6E39 							Invalid-too large, machine infinity is used 
1.6E-39 							Invalid -too small, some precision is lost 

The restrictions are:

REAL*8 (Double-Precision Real) Constants

A double-precision constant is an approximation of a real number. It can be positive, negative, or zero. If no sign is present, the constant is assumed to be nonnegative. A double-precision constant has a double-precision exponent and an optional decimal point. Double-precision constants, REAL*8, use 8 bytes of storage. The REAL*8 notation is nonstandard. @

Double-Precision Exponent

A double-precision exponent consists of the letter D, followed by an optional plus or minus sign, followed by an integer.

A double-precision exponent denotes a power of 10. The value of a double-precision constant is the product of that power of 10 and the constant that precedes the D. The form and interpretation are the same as for a real exponent, except that a D is used instead of an E.

Examples of double-precision constants are:

$1.0D2.0 					Invalid-$ not allowed, error message
82					Not DOUBLE PRECISION-need decimal point or exponent
29,002.0D0 					Invalid-comma not allowed, error message
1.8D308 					Invalid-too large, machine infinity is used
1.0D-324 					Invalid-too small, some precision is lost

The restrictions are:

REAL*16 (Quad Real) Constants

(SPARC only) A quadruple-precision constant is a basic real constant or an integer constant, such that it is followed by a quadruple-precision exponent. See "Real Constants". @

A quadruple-precision exponent consists of the letter Q, followed by an optional plus or minus sign, followed by an integer.

A quadruple-precision constant can be positive, negative, or zero. If no sign is present, the constant is assumed to be nonnegative.

Example: Quadruple-precision constants:

$1.0Q2.0 					Invalid-$ not allowed, error message
82 					Not quad-need exponent
29,002.0Q0 					Invalid-comma not allowed, error message
1.6Q5000 					Invalid-too large, machine infinity is used
1.6Q-5000 					Invalid-too small, some precision is lost

The form and interpretation are the same as for a real constant, except that a Q is used instead of an E.

The restrictions are:

Typeless Constants (Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal)

Typeless numeric constants are so named because their expressions assume data types based on how they are used. @

These constants are not converted before use. However, in f77, they must be distinguished from character strings.

The general form is to enclose a string of appropriate digits in apostrophes and prefix it with the letter B, O, X, or Z. The B is for binary, the O is for octal, and the X or Z are for hexadecimal.

Example: Binary, octal, and hexadecimal constants, DATA and PARAMETER:

	PARAMETER ( P1 = Z'1F' )
	INTEGER*2 N1, N2, N3, N4
	DATA N1 /B'0011111'/, N2/O'37'/, N3/X'1f'/, N4/Z'1f'/
	WRITE ( *, 1 ) N1, N2, N3, N4, P1
1	FORMAT ( 1X, O4, O4, Z4, Z4, Z4 )

Note the edit descriptors in FORMAT statements: O for octal, and Z for hexadecimal. Each of the above integer constants has the value 31 decimal.

Example: Binary, octal, and hexadecimal, other than in DATA and PARAMETER:

	M = ICOUNT + B'0001000'
	JCOUNT = ICOUNT + O'777' 
	TEMP = X'FFF99A' 

In the above example, the context defines B'0001000' and O'777' as INTEGER*4 and X'FFF99A' as REAL*4. For a real number, using IEEE floating-point, a given bit pattern yields the same value on different architectures.

The above statements are treated as the following:

	M = ICOUNT + 8
	TEMP = 2.35076E-38 

Control Characters

You can enter control characters with typeless constants, although the CHAR function is standard, and this way is not.

Example: Control characters with typeless constants:


Alternate Notation for Typeless Constants

For compatibility with other versions of FORTRAN, the following alternate notation is allowed for octal and hexadecimal notation. This alternate does not work for binary, nor does it work in DATA or PARAMETER statements.

For an octal notation, enclose a string of octal digits in apostrophes and append the letter O.

Example: Octal alternate notation for typeless constants:

	37'O				Invalid -- missing initial apostrophe
	'37'				Not numeric -- missing letter O
	'397'O				Invalid -- invalid digit

For hexadecimals, enclose a string of hex digits in apostrophes and append the letter X.

Example: Hex alternate notation for typeless constants:

	'1fX					Invalid-missing trailing apostrophe 
	'3f'					Not numeric- missing X
	'3g7'X					Invalid-invalid digit g

Here are the rules and restrictions for binary, octal, and hexadecimal constants:

Hollerith Constants @

A Hollerith constant consists of an unsigned, nonzero, integer constant, followed by the letter H, followed by a string of printable characters where the integer constant designates the number of characters in the string, including any spaces and tabs.

A Hollerith constant occupies 1 byte of storage for each character.

A Hollerith constant is aligned on 2-byte boundaries.

The FORTRAN standard does not have this old Hollerith notation, although the standard recommends implementing the Hollerith feature to improve compatibility with old programs.

Hollerith data can be used in place of character-string constants. They can also be used in IF tests, and to initialize noncharacter variables in DATA statements and assignment statements, though none of these are recommended, and none are standard. These are typeless constants.

Example: Typeless constants:

	DATA TAG / 2Hok / 
	CODE = 2Hno 

The rules and restrictions on Hollerith constants are:

Fortran 90-Style Constants @

The Sun Fortran 77 compiler (release 5.0) recognizes the Fortran 90-style syntax for integer and real constants that allows literal specification of the size of the data item. In Fortran 90 terminology, a constant literal may include an optional trailing underscore followed by a "kind type parameter". @

In the Sun Fortran 77 implementation, the "kind type parameter" is limited to the digits 1, 2, 4, or 8, and its use specifies the data size, in bytes, of the literal constant. For example:

12_8                specifies an 8-byte integer constant, value = 12
12_4                specifies a 4-byte integer constant, value = 12
1.345E-10_8         specifies an 8-byte real constant, value = 1.345E-10
(-1.5_8,.895E-3_8)  specifies a complex constant with 8-byte real and imaginary parts

With complex constants, the real and imaginary parts may be specified with different kind type parameters, (1.0_8,2.0_4), but the resulting data item will have the real and imaginary parts with the same size, taking the larger one specified.

This construction is valuable when calling subprograms with constant arguments when a specific data type is required, as in the following example:

        call suby(A,1.5_8,0_8,Y)
        subroutine suby(H0, M, N, W)
        INTEGER *8 M, N,


A variable is a symbolic name paired with a storage location. A variable has a name, a value, and a type. Whatever datum is stored in the location is the value of the variable. This does not include arrays, array elements, records, or record fields, so this definition is more restrictive than the usual usage of the word "variable."

You can specify the type of a variable in a type statement. If the type is not explicitly specified in a type statement, it is implied by the first letter of the variable name: either by the usual default implied typing, or by any implied typing of IMPLICIT statements. See "Types" for more details on the rules for data typing.

At any given time during the execution of a program, a variable is either defined or undefined. If a variable has a predictable value, it is defined; otherwise, it is undefined. A previously defined variable may become undefined, as when a subprogram is exited.

You can define a variable with an assignment statement, an input statement, or a DATA statement. If a variable is assigned a value in a DATA statement, then it is initially defined.

Two variables are associated if each is associated with the same storage location. You can associate variables by use of EQUIVALENCE, COMMON, or MAP statements. Actual and dummy arguments can also associate variables.


An array is a named collection of elements of the same type. It is a nonempty sequence of data and occupies a group of contiguous storage locations. An array has a name, a set of elements, and a type.

An array name is a symbolic name for the whole sequence of data.

An array element is one member of the sequence of data. Each storage location holds one element of the array.

An array element name is an array name qualified by a subscript. See "Array Subscripts " for details.

You can declare an array in any of the following statements:

Array Declarators

An array declarator specifies the name and properties of an array.

The syntax of an array declarator is:

a (  d [, d ] ...  )


A dimension declarator has the form:

[ dl:] du


An array must appear only once in an array declarator within a program unit (main program, subroutine, function, or block common). The compiler flags multiple or duplicate array declarations within the same unit as errors.

The number of dimensions in an array is the number of dimension declarators. The minimum number of dimensions is one; the maximum is seven. For an assumed-size array, the last dimension can be an asterisk.

The lower bound indicates the first element of the dimension, and the upper bound indicates the last element of the dimension. In a one-dimensional array, these are the first and last elements of the array.

Example: Array declarator, lower and upper bounds:

	REAL V(-5:5)

In the above example, V is an array of real numbers, with 1 dimension and 11 elements. The first element is V(-5); the last element is V(5).

Example: Default lower bound of 1:

	REAL V(1000)

In the above example, V is an array of real numbers, with 1 dimension and 1000 elements. The first element is V(1); the last element is V(1000).

Example: Arrays can have as many as 7 dimensions:

	REAL TAO(2,2,3,4,5,6,10)

Example: Lower bounds other than one:

	REAL A(3:5, 7, 3:5), B(0:2)

Example: Character arrays:

	CHARACTER M(3,4)*7, V(9)*4

The array M has 12 elements, each of which consists of 7 characters.

The array V has 9 elements, each of which consists of 4 characters.

The following restrictions on bounds apply:

Adjustable Arrays

An adjustable array is an array that is a dummy argument or local array@ with one or more of its dimensions or bounds as an expression of integer variables that are either themselves dummy arguments, or are in a common block.

You can declare adjustable arrays in the usual DIMENSION or type statements. In f77, you can also declare adjustable arrays in a RECORD statement, if that RECORD statement is not inside a structure declaration block.

Example: Adjustable arrays;

	REAL A(3:5, L, M:N), B(N+1:2*N) ! These arrays are dummy args
	REAL C(N+1,2*N)  !  This array is local

The restrictions are:

If the array is local to the routine, memory is allocated on entry to the routine and deallocated on return to the caller.@

Assumed-Size Arrays

An assumed-size array is an array that is a dummy argument, and which has an asterisk as the upper bound of the last dimension.

You can declare assumed-size arrays in the usual DIMENSION, COMMON, or type statements.

Ihe following f77 extensions allow you to:@

Example: Assumed-size with the upper bound of the last dimension an asterisk:

	  INTEGER A(5, *), B(*), C(0:1, 2:*)

An assumed-size array cannot be used in an I/O list.

Array Names with No Subscripts

An array name with no subscripts indicates the entire array. It can appear in any of the following statements:

In an EQUIVALENCE statement, the array name without subscripts indicates the first element of the array.

Array Subscripts

An array element name is an array name qualified by a subscript.

Form of a Subscript

A subscript is a parenthesized list of subscript expressions. There must be one subscript expression for each dimension of the array.

The form of a subscript is:

( s [, s ] )

where s is a subscript expression. The parentheses are part of the subscript.

Example: Declare a two-by-three array with the declarator:

	REAL M(2,3)

With the above declaration, you can assign a value to a particular element, as follows:

	M(1,2) = 0.0

The above code assigns 0.0 to the element in row 1, column 2, of array M.

Subscript Expressions

Subscript expressions have the following properties and restrictions:

In the above example, the fourth element of V is set to zero.

Subscript expressions cannot exceed the range of INTEGER*4 in 32-bit environments. It is not controlled, but if the subscript expression is not in the range (-2147483648, 2147483647), then the results are unpredictable. When compiled for 64-bit environments, INTEGER*8 subscript expressions are allowed.

Array Ordering

Array elements are usually considered as being arranged with the first subscript as the row number and the second subscript as the column number. This corresponds to traditional mathematical nxm matrix notation:





















Element ai,j is located in row i, column j.

For example:

	INTEGER*4 A(3,2) 

The elements of A are conceptually arranged in 3 rows and 2 columns:

A(1,1) A(1,2)
A(2,1) A(2,2)
A(3,1) A(3,2)

Array elements are stored in column-major order.

Example: For the array A, they are located in memory as follows:


The inner (leftmost) subscript changes more rapidly.


A character datum is a sequence of one or more characters. A character substring is a contiguous portion of a character variable or of a character array element or of a character field of a structured record.

A substring name can be in either of the following two forms:

v( [ e1 ] : [ e2 ] )

a( s [, s ] ) ( [ e1 ] : [ e2 ] )



Character variable name 

a(s [, s] )

Character array element name 


Leftmost character position of the substring 


Rightmost character position of the substring 


Both e1 and e2 are integer expressions. They cannot exceed the range of INTEGER*4 on 32-bit environments. If the expression is not in the range (-2147483648, 2147483647), then the results are unpredictable. When compiled for 64-bit environments, the substring character position expressions can be in the range of INTEGER*8.

Example: The string with initial character from the Ith character of S and with the last character from the Lth character of S:


In the above example, there are L-I+1 characters in the substring.

The following string has an initial character from the Mth character of the array element A(J,K), with the last character from the Nth character of that element.


In the above example, there are N-M+1 characters in the substring.

Here are the rules and restrictions for substrings:

Examples: Substrings--the value of the element in column 2, row 3 is e23:

demo% cat sub.f
	character 		v*8 / 'abcdefgh' /, 
& 			m(2,3)*3 / 'e11', 'e21', 
& 			'e12', 'e22', 
& 			'e13', 'e23' / 
	print *, v(3:5) 
	print *, v(1:) 
	print *, v(:8) 
	print *, v(:) 
	print *, m(1,1) 
	print *, m(2,1) 
	print *, m(1,2) 
	print *, m(2,2) 
	print *, m(1,3) 
	print *, m(2,3) 
	print *, m(1,3)(2:3) 
demo% f77 sub.f
demo% a.out


A structure is a generalization of an array. @

Just as an array is a collection of elements of the same type, a structure is a collection of elements that are not necessarily of the same type.

As elements of arrays are referenced by using numeric subscripts, so elements of structures are referenced by using element (or field) names.

The structure declaration defines the form of a record by specifying the name, type, size, and order of the fields that constitute the record. Once a structure is defined and named, it can be used in RECORD statements, as explained in the following subsections.


The structure declaration has the following syntax:

STRUCTURE [/structure-name/] [field-list] field-declaration [field-declaration] . . . [field-declaration] END STRUCTURE

Name of the structure 


List of fields of the specified structure 


Defines a field of the record.  

field-declaration is defined in the next section.

Field Declaration

Each field declaration can be one of the following:

Example: A STRUCTURE declaration:


In the above example, a structure named PRODUCT is defined to consist of the five fields ID, NAME, MODEL, COST, and PRICE. For an example with a field-list, see "Structure within a Structure ".

Rules and Restrictions for Structures

Note the following:

Rules and Restrictions for Fields

Fields that are type declarations use the identical syntax of normal FORTRAN type statements. All f77 types are allowed, subject to the following rules and restrictions:

In a structure declaration, the offset of field n is the offset of the preceding field, plus the length of the preceding field, possibly corrected for any adjustments made to maintain alignment. See Appendix C, Data Representations for a summary of storage allocation.

Record Declaration

The RECORD statement declares variables to be records with a specified structure, or declares arrays to be arrays of such records.

The syntax of a RECORD statement is:

RECORD /structure-name/ record-list [,/structure-name/ record-list] [,/structure-name/ record-list]
structure-name Name of a previously declared structure


List of variables, arrays, or arrays with dimensioning and index ranges, separated by commas. 

Example: A RECORD that uses the previous STRUCTURE example:


Each of the three variables, CURRENT, PRIOR, and NEXT, is a record which has the PRODUCT structure; LINE is an array of 10 such records.

Note the following rules and restrictions for records:

Record and Field Reference

You can refer to a whole record, or to an individual field in a record, and since structures can be nested, a field can itself be a structure, so you can refer to fields within fields, within fields, and so forth.

The syntax of record and field reference is:

record-name[.field-name] ... [.field-name]


Name of a previously defined record variable 


Name of a field in the record immediately to the left.  

Example: References that are based on structure and records of the above two examples:

	NEXT.ID = 82

In the above example:

Example: Structure and record declarations, record and field assignments:

demo% cat str1.f
* str1.f Simple structure 
		REAL*4 R 
	RECORD / S / R1, R2 
	R1.I = 82 
	R1.R = 2.7182818 
	R2 = R1 
	WRITE ( *, * ) R2.I, R2.R 
demo% f77 -silent str1.f
demo% a.out
82 2.718280 

Substructure Declaration

A structure can have a field that is also a structure. Such a field is called a substructure. You can declare a substructure in one of two ways:

Record within a Structure

A nested structure declaration is one that is contained within either a structure declaration or a union declaration. You can use a previously defined record within a structure declaration.

Example: Define structure SALE using previously defined record PRODUCT:


In the above example, the structure SALE contains three fields, BUYER, QUANTITY, and ITEM, where ITEM is a record with the structure, /PRODUCT/.

Structure within a Structure

You can nest a declaration within a declaration.

Example: If /PRODUCT/ is not declared previously, then you can declare it within the declaration of SALE:

				INTEGER*4  ID 
				REAL*4  COST 
				REAL*4  PRICE 

Here, the structure SALE still contains the same three fields as in the prior example: BUYER, QUANTITY, and ITEM. The field ITEM is an example of a field-list (in this case, a single-element list), as defined under "Structure Declaration."

The size and complexity of the various structures determine which style of substructure declaration is best to use in a given situation.

Field Reference in Substructures

You can refer to fields within substructures.

Example: Refer to fields of substructures (PRODUCT and SALE, from the previous examples, are defined in the current program unit):


Rules and Restrictions for Substructures

Note the following:

Unions and Maps

A union declaration defines groups of fields that share memory at runtime.


The syntax of a union declaration is:


The syntax of a map declaration is as follows.


Fields in a Map

Each field-declaration in a map declaration can be one of the following:

A map declaration defines alternate groups of fields in a union. During execution, one map at a time is associated with a shared storage location. When you reference a field in a map, the fields in any previous map become undefined and are succeeded by the fields in the map of the newly referenced field. The amount of memory used by a union is that of its biggest map.

Example: Declare the structure /STUDENT/ to contain either NAME, CLASS, and MAJOR--or NAME, CLASS, CREDITS, and GRAD_DATE:

				END MAP 
				END MAP 

If you define the variable PERSON to have the structure /STUDENT/ from the above example, then PERSON.MAJOR references a field from the first map, and PERSON.CREDITS references a field from the second map. If the variables of the second map field are initialized, and then the program references the variable PERSON.MAJOR, the first map becomes active, and the variables of the second map become undefined.


The POINTER statement establishes pairs of variables and pointers. @ Each pointer contains the address of its paired variable.

Syntax Rules

	POINTER ( p1, v1 ) [, ( p2, v2 ) ... ] 

The POINTER statement has the following syntax:


A pointer-based variable is a variable paired with a pointer in a POINTER statement. A pointer-based variable is usually just called a based variable. The pointer is the integer variable that contains the address.

Example: A simple POINTER statement:


Here, V is a pointer-based variable, and P is its associated pointer.

See "POINTER", for more examples.

Usage of Pointers

Normal use of pointer-based variables involves the following steps. The first two steps can be in either order.

  1. Define the pairing of the pointer-based variable and the pointer in a POINTER statement.

  2. Define the type of the pointer-based variable.

    The pointer itself is integer type and should not appear in a type declaration.

  3. Set the pointer to the address of an area of memory that has the appropriate size and type.

    You do not normally do anything else explicitly with the pointer.

  4. Reference the pointer-based variable.

    Just use the pointer-based variable in normal FORTRAN statements--the address of that variable is always from its associated pointer.

Address and Memory

No storage for the variable is allocated when a pointer-based variable is defined, so you must provide an address of a variable of the appropriate type and size, and assign the address to a pointer, usually with the normal assignment statement or data statement.

The loc(), malloc(), and free() routines associate and deassociate memory addresses with pointers. (These routines are described in Chapter 6.)

When compiled for 64-bit environments, pointers declared by the POINTER statement are INTEGER*8 values.

Address by LOC() Function

You can obtain the address from the intrinsic function LOC().

Example: Use the LOC() function to get an address:

* ptr1.f: Assign an address via LOC() 
	POINTER ( P, V ) 
	CHARACTER A*12, V*12 
	P = LOC( A ) 
	PRINT *, V(5:5) 

In the above example, the CHARACTER statement allocates 12 bytes of storage for A, but no storage for V. It merely specifies the type of V because V is a pointer-based variable, then assign the address of A to P, so now any use of V will refer to A by the pointer P. The program prints an E.

When compiled for 64-bit environments, LOC() returns an INTEGER*8 value. The receiving variable must be either a pointer or an INTEGER*8 variable to avoid possible address truncation.

Memory and Address by MALLOC() Function

The function MALLOC() allocates an area of memory and returns the address of the start of that area. The argument to the function is an integer specifying the amount of memory to be allocated, in bytes. If successful, it returns a pointer to the first item of the region; otherwise, it returns an integer 0. The region of memory is not initialized in any way.

Example: Memory allocation for pointers, by MALLOC

	POINTER ( P1, X ), ( P2, Y ), ( P3, Z ) 
	P1 = MALLOC ( 10000 ) 


In the above example, MALLOC() allocates 10,000 bytes of memory and associates the address of that block of memory with the pointer P1.

Deallocation of Memory by FREE() Subroutine

The subroutine FREE() deallocates a region of memory previously allocated by MALLOC(). The argument given to FREE() must be a pointer previously returned by MALLOC(), but not already given to FREE(). The memory is returned to the memory manager, making it unavailable to the programmer.

Example: Deallocate via FREE:

	POINTER ( P1, X ), ( P2, Y ), ( P3, Z ) 
	P1 = MALLOC ( 10000 ) 
	CALL FREE ( P1 ) 

In the above example, MALLOC() allocates 10,000 bytes of memory, which are associated with pointer P1. FREE() later returns those same 10,000 bytes to the memory manager.

Special Considerations

Here are some special considerations when working with pointers and memory allocation with malloc(), loc(), and free():

Optimization and Pointers

Pointers have the annoying side effect of reducing the assumptions that the global optimizer can make. For one thing, compare the following:

Therefore, the optimizer must assume that a variable passed as an argument in a subroutine or function call can be changed by any other call. Such an unrestricted use of pointers would degrade optimization for the vast majority of programs that do not use pointers.

General Guidelines

There are two alternatives for optimization with pointers.

The second choice also has a suboption: localize pointers to one routine and do not optimize it, but do optimize the routines that do the calculations. If you put the calling the routines on different files, you can optimize one and not optimize the other.

Example: A relatively "safe" kind of coding with -O3 or -O4:

	REAL A, B, V(100,100) 	 This programming unit does
	POINTER ( P, V )      	   nothing else with P other than  
	P = MALLOC(10000)     	 getting the address and passing it.


If you want to optimize only CALC at level -O4, then avoid using pointers in CALC.

Some Problematic Code Practices

Any of the following coding practices, and many others, could cause problems with an optimization level of -O3 or -O4:

Example: Code that could cause trouble with -O3 or -O4:

	POINTER ( P, V ) 
	P = LOC(A) + 4 			  Possible problems here if optimized

The compiler assumes that a reference through P may change A, but not B; this assumption could produce incorrect code.