FORTRAN 77 Language Reference


The INTEGER statement specifies the type to be integer for a symbolic constant, variable, array, function, or dummy function.

Optionally, it specifies array dimensions and size and initializes with values.

INTEGER [*len[,]] v[* len[/c/]] [, v[*len[/c/]] ...




Name of a symbolic constant, variable, array, array declarator, function, or dummy function  


Either 2, 4, or 8, the length in bytes of the symbolic constant, variable, array element, or function. 


List of constants for the immediately preceding name 


The declarations can be: INTEGER, INTEGER*2, INTEGER*4, INTEGER*8.


For a declaration such as INTEGER H, the variable H is usually one INTEGER*4 element in memory, interpreted as a single integer number. Specifying the size is nonstandard. @

If you do not specify the size, a default size is used. The default size, for a declaration such as INTEGER H, can be altered by compiling with any of the options -dbl, -i2, -r8, or -xtypemap. See the discussion in Chapter 2 for details.


For a declaration such as INTEGER*2 H, the variable H is always an INTEGER*2 element in memory, interpreted as a single integer number.


For a declaration such as INTEGER*4 H, the variable H is always an INTEGER*4 element in memory, interpreted as a single integer number.


For a declaration such as INTEGER*8 H, the variable H is always an INTEGER*8 element in memory, interpreted as a single integer number.


Do not use INTEGER*8 variables or 8-byte constants or expressions when indexing arrays, otherwise, only 4 low-order bytes are taken into account. This action can cause unpredictable results in your program if the index value exceeds the range for 4-byte integers.


Example 1: Each of these integer declarations are equivalent:

       INTEGER U, V(9) 
       INTEGER*4 U, V(9) 
       INTEGER U*4, V(9)*4 

Example 2: Initialize:

       INTEGER U / 1 /, V / 4 /, W*2 / 1 /, X*2 / 4 /