This chapter describes the general concepts of FORTRAN input and output, and provides details on the different kinds of I/O. See also the Input/Output chapter in the Fortran Programming Guide.
Any operating system based on the UNIX operating system is not as record-oriented as FORTRAN. This operating system treats files as sequences of characters instead of collections of records. The FORTRAN runtime system keeps track of file formats and access mode during runtimes. It also provides the file facilities, including the FORTRAN libraries and the standard I/O library.
The FORTRAN default value for the maximum number of logical units that a program can have open at one time is 64. For current Solaris releases, this limit is 256. A FORTRAN program can increase this limit beyond 64 by calling the setrlim() function. See the man page setrlim(2). If you are running csh, you can also do this with the limit or unlimit command; see csh(1).
The standard logical units 0, 5, and 6 are preconnected as stderr, stdin, and stdout, respectively. These are not actual file names, and cannot be used for opening these units. INQUIRE does not return these names, and indicates that the above units are not named unless they have been opened to real files. However, these units can be redefined with an OPEN statement.
The names, stderr, stdin, and stdout, are meant to make error reporting more meaningful. To preserve error reporting, the system makes it an error to close logical unit 0, although it can be reopened to another file.
If you want to open a file with the default file name for any preconnected logical unit, remember to close the unit first. Redefining the standard units can impair normal console I/O. An alternative is to use shell redirection to externally redefine the above units.
To redefine default blank control or the format of the standard input or output files, use the OPEN statement, specifying the unit number and no file name, and use the options for the kind of blank control you want.
Any error detected during I/O processing causes the program to abort, unless alternative action has been provided specifically in the program. Any I/O statement can include an ERR= clause (and IOSTAT= clause) to specify an alternative branch to be taken on errors and return the specific error code. Read statements can include END=n to branch on end-of-file. File position and the value of I/O list items are undefined following an error. END= catches both EOF and error conditions; ERR= catches only error conditions.
If your program does not trap I/O errors, then before aborting, an error message is written to stderr with an error number in square brackets, [ ], and the logical unit and I/O state. The signal that causes the abort is IOT.
Error numbers less than 1000 refer to operating system errors; see intro(2). Error numbers greater than or equal to 1000 come from the I/O library.
For external I/O, part of the current record is displayed if the error was caused during reading from a file that can backspace. For internal I/O, part of the string is printed with a vertical bar (|) at the current position in the string.
Do not reference a function in an I/O list if executing that function causes an I/O statement to be executed. Example:
WRITE( 1, 10) Y, A + 2.0 * F(X) ! Wrong if F() does I/O
The four kinds of I/O are: formatted, unformatted, list-directed, and NAMELIST.
The two modes of access to files are sequential and direct. When you open a file, the access mode is set to either sequential or direct. If you do not set it explicitly, you get sequential by default.
The two types of files are: external files and internal files. An external file resides on a physical peripheral device, such as disk or tape. An internal file is a location in main memory, is of character type, and is either a variable, substring, array, array element, or a field of a structured record.
I/O combinations on external files are:
Allowed |
Not Allowed |
Sequential unformatted Sequential formatted Sequential list-directed Sequential NAMELIST Direct unformatted Direct formatted |
Direct-access, list-directed I/O Direct-access, NAMELIST I/O NAMELIST I/O on internal files Unformatted, internal I/O |
The following table shows combinations of I/O form, access mode, and physical file types.
Table 5-1 Summary of f77 Input and Output
Kind of I/O |
Access Mode: |
Form |
File Type |
Sequential |
Direct |
Formatted |
Internal |
The file is a character variable, substring, array, or array element. @ |
The file is a character array; each record is one array element. |
External |
Only formatted records of same or variable length. |
Only formatted records, all the same length. |
Unformatted |
Internal |
Not allowed. |
Not allowed. |
External |
Contains only unformatted records. |
READ: Gets one logical record at a time. WRITE: Unfilled part of record is undefined. |
List-directed |
Internal |
READ: Reads characters until EOF or I/O list is satisfied.
WRITE: Writes records until list is satisfied. @ |
Not allowed. |
External |
Uses standard formats based on type of variable and size of element. Blanks or commas are separators. Any columns. |
Not allowed. |
Internal |
Not allowed. |
Not allowed. |
External |
READ: Reads records until it finds $groupname in columns 2-80. Then reads records searching for names in that group, and stores data in those variables. Stops reading on $ or eof.
WRITE: Writes records showing the group name and each variable name with value. |
Not allowed. |
Avoid list-directed internal writes. The number of lines and items per line varies with the values of items.
You get a print file by using the nonstandard FORM='PRINT' in OPEN. @
OPEN ( ..., FORM='PRINT', ... )
This specifier works for sequential access files only.
A print file has the following features:
With formatted output, you get vertical format control for that logical unit:
Column one is not printed.
If column one is blank, 0, or 1, then vertical spacing is one line, two lines, or top of page, respectively.
If column 1 is +, it is replaced by a control sequence that causes a return to the beginning of the previous line.
With list-directed output, you get for that logical unit, column one is not printed.
In general, if you open a file with FORM='PRINT', then for that file list-directed output does not provide the FORTRAN Standard blank in column one; otherwise, it does provide that blank. FORM='PRINT' is for one file per call.
If you open a file with FORM='PRINT', then that file has the same content as if it was opened with FORM='FORMATTED', and filtered with the output filter, asa.
If you compile with the -oldldo option (old list-directed output), then all the files written by the program do list-directed output without that blank in column one; otherwise, they all get that blank. The -oldldo option is global.
The INQUIRE statement returns 'PRINT' in the FORM variable for logical units opened as print files. It returns -1 for the unit number of an unopened file.
If a logical unit is already open, an OPEN statement using the BLANK option does nothing but redefine that option.
As a nonstandard extension, if a logical unit is already open, an OPEN statement using the FORM option to switch between FORM='PRINT' and FORM='FORMATTED' does nothing but redefine that option. @
These forms of the OPEN statement need not include the file name, and must not include a file name if UNIT refers to standard input, output, or standard error.
If you connect a unit with OPEN and do not use the file name parameter, then you get the default file name, fort.nn, where nn is the unit number. Therefore, to redefine the standard output as a print file, use:
Scratch files are temporary files that normally disappears after execution is completed.
Example: Create a scratch file:
To prevent a temporary file from disappearing after execution is completed, you must execute a CLOSE statement with STATUS='KEEP'. KEEP is the default status for all other files.
Example: Close a scratch file that you want to access later:
Remember to get the real name of the scratch file. Use INQUIRE if you want to reopen it later.
Traditional FORTRAN environments usually assume carriage control on all logical units. They usually interpret blank spaces on input as zeroes, and often provide attachment of global file names to logical units at runtime. The routine IOINIT(3F) can be called to specify these I/O control parameters. This routine:
Recognizes carriage control for all formatted files.
Ignores trailing and embedded blanks in input files.
Positions files at the beginning or end upon opening.
Preattaches file names of a specified pattern with logical units.
Example: IOINIT and logical unit preattachment:
For the above call, the FORTRAN runtime system looks in the environment for names of the form FORTnn, and then opens the corresponding logical unit for sequential formatted I/O.
With the above example, suppose your program opened unit 7, as follows:
The FORTRAN runtime system looks in the environment for the FORT07 file, and connects it to unit 7.
In general, names must be of the form PREFIXnn, where the particular PREFIX is specified in the call to IOINIT, and nn is the logical unit to be opened. Unit numbers less than 10 must include the leading 0. For details, see IOINIT(3F) and the Sun Fortran Library Reference.
Example: Attach external files ini1.inp and ini1.out to units 1 and 2:
demo$ TST01=ini1.inp demo$ TST02=ini1.out demo$ export TST01 TST02
demo% setenv TST01 ini1.inp demo% setenv TST02 ini1.out
Example: Attach the files, ini1.inp and ini1.out, to units 1 and 2:
demo% cat ini1.f CHARACTER PRFX*8 LOGICAL CCTL, BZRO, APND, VRBOSE DATA CCTL, BZRO, APND, PRFX, VRBOSE & /.TRUE., .FALSE., .FALSE., 'TST', .FALSE. / C CALL IOINIT( CCTL, BZRO, APND, PRFX, VRBOSE ) READ( 1, *) I, B, N WRITE( *, *) 'I = ', I, ' B = ', B, ' N = ', N WRITE( 2, *) I, B, N END demo% cat $TST01 12 3.14159012 6 demo% f77 ini1.f ini1.f: MAIN: demo% a.out I = 12 B = 3.14159 N = 6 demo% cat $TST02 12 3.14159 6
IOINIT should prove adequate for most programs as written. However, it is written in FORTRAN so that it can serve as an example for similar user-supplied routines. A copy can be retrieved as follows:
demo% cp /opt/SUNWspro/SC5.0/src/ioinit.f .
A direct-access file contains a number of records that are written to or read from by referring to the record number. Direct access is also called random access.
In direct access:
Records must be all the same length.
Records are usually all the same type.
A logical record in a direct access, external file is a string of bytes of a length specified when the file is opened.
Read and write statements must not specify logical records longer than the original record size definition.
Shorter logical records are allowed.
Unformatted direct writes leave the unfilled part of the record undefined.
Formatted direct writes pass the unfilled record with blanks.
In using direct unformatted I/O, be careful with the number of values your program expects to read.
Direct access READ and WRITE statements have an argument, REC=n, which gives the record number to be read or written. An alternate, nonstandard form is 'n.
Example: Direct access, unformatted:
OPEN( 2, FILE='data.db', ACCESS='DIRECT', RECL=20, & FORM='UNFORMATTED', ERR=90 ) READ( 2, REC=13, ERR=30 ) X, Y READ( 2 ' 13, ERR=30 ) X, Y ! Alternate form @
This code opens a file for direct-access, unformatted I/O, with a record length of 20 characters, then reads the thirteenth record as is.
Example: Direct access, formatted:
OPEN( 2, FILE='inven.db', ACCESS='DIRECT', RECL=20, & FORM='FORMATTED', ERR=90 ) READ( 2, FMT='(I10,F10.3)', REC=13, ERR=30 ) A, B
This code opens a file for direct-access, formatted I/O, with a record length of 20 characters, then reads the thirteenth record and converts it according to the (I10,F10.3) format.
An internal file is a character-string object, such as a constant, variable, substring, array, element of an array, or field of a structured record--all of type character. For a variable or substring, there is only a single record in the file but for an array; each array element is a record.
On internal files, the FORTRAN Standard includes only sequential formatted I/O. (I/O is not a precise term to use here, but internal files are dealt with using READ and WRITE statements.) Internal files are used by giving the name of the character object in place of the unit number. The first read from a sequential-access internal file always starts at the beginning of the internal file; similarly for a write.
Example: Sequential, formatted reads:
CHARACTER X*80 READ( 5, '(A)' ) X READ( X, '(I3,I4)' ) N1, N2
The above code reads a print-line image into X, and then reads two integers from X.
f77 extends direct I/O to internal files.@
This is like direct I/O on external files, except that the number of records in the file cannot be changed. In this case, a record is a single element of an array of character strings.
Example: Direct access read of the third record of the internal file, LINE:
demo% cat intern.f CHARACTER LINE(3)*14 DATA LINE(1) / ' 81 81 ' / DATA LINE(2) / ' 82 82 ' / DATA LINE(3) / ' 83 83 ' / READ ( LINE, FMT='(2I4)', REC=3 ) M, N PRINT *, M, N END demo% f77 -silent intern.f demo% a.out 83 83 demo%
In formatted I/O:
The list items are processed in the order they appear in the list.
Any list item is completely processed before the next item is started.
Each sequential access reads or writes one or more logical records.
In general, a formatted read statement does the following:
Reads character data from the external record or from an internal file.
Converts the items of the list from character to binary form according to the instructions in the associated format.
Puts converted data into internal storage for each list item of the list.
READ( 6, 10 ) A, B 10 FORMAT( F8.3, F6.2 )
In general, a formatted write statement does the following:
Gets data from internal storage for each list item specified by the list.
Converts the items from binary to character form according to the instructions in the associated format.
Transfers the items to the external record or to an internal file.
Terminates formatted output records with newline characters.
REAL A / 1.0 /, B / 9.0 / WRITE( 6, 10 ) A, B 10 FORMAT( F8.3, F6.2 )
For formatted write statements, the logical record length is determined by the format statement that interacts with the list of input or output variables (I/O list) at execution time.
For formatted write statements, if the external representation of a datum is too large for the field width specified, the specified field is filled with asterisks (*).
For formatted read statements, if there are fewer items in the list than there are data fields, the extra fields are ignored.
Purpose |
f77 Extensions |
Blank control | BN, BZ | B |
Carriage control | /, space, 0, 1 | $ |
Character edit | nH, Aw, 'aaa' | "aaa", A |
Floating-point edit | Dw.dEe, Ew.dEe, Fw.dEe, Gw.dEe | Ew.d.e, Dw.d.e, Gw.d.e |
Hexadecimal edit | Zw.m | |
Integer edit | Iw.m | |
Logical edit | Lw | |
Octal edit | Ow.m | |
Position control | nX, Tn, TLn, TRn | nT, T, X |
Radix control | nR, R | |
Remaining characters | Q | |
Scale control | nP | P |
Sign control | S, SP, SS | SU |
Terminate a format | : | |
Variable format expression | < e > |
Specifiers can be uppercase as well as lowercase characters in format statements and in all the alphabetic arguments to the I/O library routines.
The definitions for the parameters, w, m, d, and e are:
w and e are non-zero, unsigned integer constants.
d and m are unsigned integer constants.
w specifies that the field occupies w positions.
m specifies the insertion of leading zeros to a width of m.
d specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
e specifies the width of the exponent field.
You can write field descriptors A, D, E, F, G, I, L, O, or Z without the w, d, or e field indicators. @ If these are left unspecified, the appropriate defaults are used based on the data type of the I/O list element. See Table 5-3.
Typical format field descriptor forms that use w, d, or e include:
Aw, Iw, Lw, Ow, Zw, Dw.d, Ew.d, Gw.d, Ew.dEe, Gw.dEe
Example: With the default w=7 for INTEGER*2, and since 161 decimal = A1 hex:
INTEGER*2 M M = 161 WRITE ( *, 8 ) M 8 FORMAT ( Z ) END
This example produces the following output:
demo% f77 def1.f def1.f: MAIN: demo% a.out ¤¤¤¤¤a1 demo%
The defaults for w, d, and e are summarized in the following table.
Table 5-3 Default w, d, e Values in Format Field Descriptors
Field Descriptor |
List Element |
w |
d |
e |
I,O,Z |
7 |
- |
- |
I,O,Z |
7 |
- |
- |
I,O,Z |
12 |
- |
- |
O,Z |
REAL*4 |
12 |
- |
- |
O,Z |
REAL*8 |
23 |
- |
- |
O,Z |
44 |
- |
- |
L |
2 |
- |
- |
F,E,D,G |
15 |
7 |
2 |
F,E,D,G |
25 |
16 |
2 |
F,E,D,G |
42 |
33 |
3 |
A |
1 |
- |
- |
A |
2 |
- |
- |
A |
4 |
- |
- |
A |
4 |
- |
- |
A |
8 |
- |
- |
A |
16 |
- |
- |
A |
n |
- |
- |
For complex items, the value for w is for each real component. The default for the A descriptor with character data is the declared length of the corresponding I/O list element. REAL*16 and COMPLEX*32 are SPARC only.
The apostrophe edit specifier is in the form of a character constant. It causes characters to be written from the enclosed characters of the edit specifier itself, including blanks. An apostrophe edit specifier must not be used on input. The width of the field is the number of characters contained in, but not including, the delimiting apostrophes. Within the field, two consecutive apostrophes with no intervening blanks are counted as a single apostrophe. You can use quotes in a similar way.
Example: apos.f, apostrophe edit (two equivalent ways):
WRITE( *, 1 ) 1 FORMAT( 'This is an apostrophe ''.') WRITE( *, 2 ) 2 FORMAT( "This is an apostrophe '.") END
The above program writes this message twice: This is an apostrophe '.
The B, BN, and BZ edit specifiers control interpretation of imbedded and trailing blanks for numeric input.
The following blank specifiers are available:
BN--If BN precedes a specification, a nonleading blank in the input data is considered null, and is ignored.
BZ--If BZ precedes a specification, a nonleading blank in the input data is considered zero.
B--If B precedes a specification, it returns interpretation to the default mode of blank interpretation. This is consistent with S, which returns to the default sign control. @
Without any specific blank specifiers in the format, nonleading blanks in numeric input fields are normally interpreted as zeros or ignored, depending on the value of the BLANK= suboption of OPEN currently in effect for the unit. The default value for that suboption is ignore, so if you use defaults for both BN/BZ/B and BLANK=, you get ignore.
Example: Read and print the same data once with BZ and once with BN:
demo% cat bz1.f * 12341234 CHARACTER LINE*18 / ' 82 82 ' / READ ( LINE, '( I4, BZ, I4 ) ') M, N PRINT *, M, N READ ( LINE, '( I4, BN, I4 ) ') M, N PRINT *, M, N END demo% f77 -silent bz1.f demo% a.out 82 8200 82 82 demo%
Note these rules for blank control:
Blank control specifiers apply to input only.
A blank control specifier remains in effect until another blank control specifier is encountered, or format interpretation is complete.
The B, BN, and BZ specifiers affect only I, F, E, D, and G editing.
Use edit descriptor $, and space, 0, or 1 for carriage control.
The special edit descriptor $ suppresses the carriage return. @
The action does not depend on the first character of the format. It is used typically for console prompts. For instance, you can use this descriptor to make a typed response follow the output prompt on the same line. This edit descriptor is constrained by the same rules as the colon (:).
Example: The $ carriage control:
* dol1.f The $ edit descriptor with space WRITE ( *, 2 ) 2 FORMAT (' Enter the node number: ', $ ) READ ( *, * ) NODENUM END
The above code produces a displayed prompt and user input response, such as:
Enter the node number: 82
The first character of the format is printed out, in this case, a blank. For an input statement, the $ descriptor is ignored.
The following first-character slew controls and actions are provided:
Table 5-4 Carriage Control with Blank, 0, 1, and +
Character |
Vertical spacing before printing |
Blank 0 1 + |
One line Two lines To first line of next page No advance (stdout only, not files) |
If the first character of the format is not space, 0, 1, or +, then it is treated as a space, and it is not printed.
The behavior of the slew control character + is: if the character in the first column is +, it is replaced by a control sequence that causes printing to return to the first column of the previous line, where the rest of the input line is printed.
Space, 0, 1, and + work for stdout if piped through asa.
Example: First-character formatting, standard output piped through asa:
demo% cat slew1.f WRITE( *, '("abcd")') WRITE( *, '(" efg")') The blank single spaces WRITE( *, '("0hij")') The "0" double spaces WRITE( *, '("1klm")') The "1" starts this on a new page WRITE( *, '("+", T5, "nop")') The "+" starts this at col 1 of latest line END demo% f77 -silent slew1.f demo% a.out | asa | lpr demo%
The program, slew1.f produces file, slew1.out, as printed by lpr:
bcd efg hij klmnop This starts on a new page. The + of +nop is obeyed.
The results are different on a screen; the tabbing puts in spaces:
demo% cat slew1.out bcd efg hij nop This starts on a new page. The + of +nop is obeyed. demo%
See asa(1).
The space, 0, and 1, and + work for a file opened with:
Sequential access
Example: First-character formatting, file output:
demo% cat slew2.f OPEN( 1,FILE='slew.out',FORM='PRINT' ) WRITE( 1, '("abcd")') WRITE( 1, '("efg")') WRITE( 1, '("0hij")') WRITE( 1, '("1klm")') WRITE( 1, '("+", T5, "nop")') CLOSE( 1, STATUS='KEEP') END demo% f77 -silent slew2.f demo% a.out
The program, slew2.f, produces the file, slew2.out, that is equal to the file, slew1.out, in the example above.
Slew control codes '0', '1', and '+' in column one are in the output file as '\n', '\f', and '\r', respectively.
The A specifier is used for character type data items. The general form is:
A [ w ]
On input, character data is stored in the corresponding list item.
On output, the corresponding list item is displayed as character data.
If w is omitted, then:
For character data type variables, it assumes the size of the variable.
For noncharacter data type variables, it assumes the maximum number of characters that fit in a variable of that data type. This is nonstandard behavior. @
Each of the following examples read into a size n variable (CHARACTER*n), for various values of n, for instance, for n = 9.
The various values of n, in CHARACTER C*n are:
Size n |
9 |
7 |
4 |
1 |
Data |
Node¤Id |
Node¤Id |
Node¤Id |
Node¤Id |
Format |
A7 |
A7 |
A7 |
A7 |
Memory |
Node¤Id¤¤ |
Node¤Id |
e¤Id |
d |
¤ indicates a blank space.
Example: Output strings of 3, 5, and 7 characters, each in a 5 character field:
PRINT 1, 'The', 'whole', 'shebang' 1 FORMAT( A5 / A5 / A5 ) END
¤¤The whole sheba
The maximum characters in noncharacter types are summarized in the following table.
Table 5-5 Maximum Characters in Noncharacter Type Hollerith (nHaaa)
Type of List Item |
Maximum Number of Characters |
1 1 2 4 8 2 4 8 4 4 8 16 8 8 8 16 32 16 |
In f77, you can use Hollerith constants wherever a character constant can be used in FORMAT statements, assignment statements, and DATA statements.© These constants are not recommended. FORTRAN does not have these old Hollerith (n H) notations, although the FORTRAN Standard recommends implementing the Hollerith feature to improve compatibility with old programs. But such constants cannot be used as input data elements in list-directed or NAMELIST input.
For example, these two formats are equivalent:
10 FORMAT( 8H Code = , A6 ) 20 FORMAT( ' Code = ', A6 )
In f77, commas between edit descriptors are generally optional:
10 FORMAT( 5H flex 4Hible )
For compatibility with older programs, f77 also allows READs into Hollerith edit descriptors. @
Example: Read into hollerith edit descriptor--no list in the READ statement:
demo% cat hol1.f WRITE( *, 1 ) 1 FORMAT( 6Holder ) READ( *, 1 ) WRITE( *, 1 ) END demo% f77 hol1.f hol1.f: MAIN demo% a.out older newer newer demo%
In the above code, if the format is a runtime format (variable format), then the reading into the actual format does not work, and the format remains unchanged. Hence, the following program fails:
CHARACTER F*18 / '(A8)' / READ(*,F) ! ¨ Does not work. ...
Obviously, there are better ways to read into the actual format.
The I specifier is used for decimal integer data items. The general form is:
I [w [ . m ] ]
The I w and I w.m edit specifiers indicate that the field to be edited occupies w positions. The specified input/output list item must be of type integer. On input, the specified list item becomes defined with an integer datum. On output, the specified list item must be defined as an integer datum.
On input, an I w.m edit specifier is treated identically to an I w edit specifier.
The output field for the I w edit specifier consists of:
Zero or more leading blanks followed by
Either a minus if the value is negative, or an optional plus, followed by
The magnitude of the value in the form on an unsigned integer constant without leading zeros
An integer constant always has at least one digit.
The output field for the I w.m edit specifier is the same as for the I w edit specifier, except that the unsigned integer constant consists of at least m digits, and, if necessary, has leading zeros. The value of m must not exceed the value of w. If m is zero, and the value of the item is zero, the output field consists of only blank characters, regardless of the sign control in effect.
Example: int1.f, integer input:
CHARACTER LINE*8 / '12345678' / READ( LINE, '(I2, I3, I2 )') I, J, K PRINT *, I, J, K END
12 345 67
Example: int2.f, integer output:
N = 1234 PRINT 1, N, N, N, N 1 FORMAT( I6 / I4 / I2 / I6.5 ) END
1234 1234 ** 01234
The L specifier is used for logical data items. The general form is:
L w
The L w edit specifier indicates that the field occupies w positions. The specified input/output list item must be of type LOGICAL. On input, the list item becomes defined with a logical datum. On output, the specified list item must be defined as a logical datum.
The input field consists of optional blanks, optionally followed by a decimal point, followed by a T for true, or F for false. The T or F can be followed by additional characters in the field. The logical constants, .TRUE. and .FALSE.,are acceptable as input. The output field consists of w-1 blanks followed by a T for true, or F for false.
Example: log1.f, logical output:
LOGICAL A*1 /.TRUE./, B*2 /.TRUE./, C*4 /.FALSE./ PRINT '( L1 / L2 / L4 )', A, B, C END
T ¤T ¤¤¤F
Example: log2.f, logical input:
The program above accepts any of the following as valid input data:
t true T TRUE .t .t. .T .T. .TRUE. TooTrue f false F FALSE .f .F .F. .FALSE. Flakey
The O and Z field descriptors for a FORMAT statement are for octal and hexadecimal integers, respectively, but they can be used with any data type.@
Ow[.m] |
Zw[.m] |
where w is the number of characters in the external field. For output, m, if specified, determines the total number of digits in the external field; that is, if there are fewer than m nonzero digits, the field is zero-filled on the left to a total of m digits. m has no effect on input.
A READ, with the O or Z field descriptors in the FORMAT, reads in w characters as octal or hexadecimal, respectively, and assigns the value to the corresponding member of the I/O list.
Example: Octal input, the external data field is:
The first digit in the example appears in input column 1.
The program that does the input is:
READ ( *, 2 ) M 2 FORMAT ( O6 )
The above data and program result in the octal value 654321 being loaded into the variable M. Further examples are included in the following table.
Table 5-6 Sample Octal/Hex Input Values
Format |
External Field |
Internal (Octal or Hex) Value |
O4 O4 O3 |
1234¤ 16234 97¤¤¤ |
1234 1623 Error: "9" not allowed |
Z5 Z5 Z4 |
A23DE¤ A23DEF 95.AF2 |
A23DE A23DE Error: "." not allowed |
The general rules for octal and hex input are:
For octal values, the external field can contain only numerals 0 through 7.
For hexadecimal values, the external field can contain only numerals 0 through 9 and the letters A through F or a through f.
Signs, decimal points, and exponent fields are not allowed.
All-blank fields are treated as having a value of zero.
If a data item is too big for the corresponding variable, an error message is displayed.
A WRITE, with the O or Z field descriptors in the FORMAT, writes out values as octal or hexadecimal integers, respectively. It writes to a field that is w characters wide, right-justified.
M = 161 WRITE ( *, 8 ) M 8 FORMAT ( Z3 ) END
The program above displays A1 (161 decimal = A1 hex):
The letter A appears in output column 2.
Further examples are included in the following table.
Table 5-7 Sample Octal/Hex Output Value
Format |
Internal (Decimal) Value |
External (Octal/Hex) Representation |
O6 O2 O4.3 O4.4 O6 | 32767 14251 27 27 -32767 | D77777 ** D033 0033 ***** |
Z4 Z3.3 Z6.4 Z5 | 32767 2708 2708 -32767 | 7FFF A94 DD0A94 ****** |
The general rules for octal and hex output are:
Negative values are written as if unsigned; no negative sign is printed.
The external field is filled with leading spaces, as needed, up to the width w.
If the field is too narrow, it is filled with asterisks.
If m is specified, the field is left-filled with leading zeros, to a width of m.
For horizontal positioning along the print line, f77 supports the forms:
TRn, TLn, Tn, nT, T
where n is a strictly positive integer. The format specifier T can appear by itself, or be preceded or followed by a positive nonzero number.
This tab reads from the nth column or writes to the nth column.
This tab reads from the nth column to the left or writes to the nth column to the left.
This tab reads from the nth column to the right or writes to the nth column to the right.
This tab tabs to the nth tab stop for both read and write. If n is omitted, this tab uses n = 1 and tabs to the next tab stop.
This tab tabs to the next tab stop for both read and write. It is the same as the nTL with n omitted; it tabs to the next tab stop.
The rules and Restrictions for tabbing are:
Tabbing right beyond the end of an input logical record is an error.
Tabbing left beyond the beginning of an input logical record leaves the input pointer at the beginning of the record.
Nondestructive tabbing is implemented for both internal and external formatted I/O. Nondestructive tabbing means that tabbing left or right on output does not destroy previously written portions of a record.
Tabbing right on output causes unwritten portions of a record to be filled with blanks.
Tabbing left requires that the logical unit allows a seek. Therefore, it is not allowed in I/O to or from a terminal or pipe.
Likewise, nondestructive tabbing in either direction is possible only on a unit that can seek. Otherwise, tabbing right or spacing with the X edit specifier writes blanks on the output.
Tab stops are hard-coded every eight columns.
The nX edit specifier indicates that the transmission of the next character to or from a record is to occur at the position n characters forward from the current position.
On input, the nX edit specifier advances the record pointer by n positions, skipping n characters.
A position beyond the last character of the record can be specified if no characters are transmitted from such positions.
On output, the nX specifier writes n blanks.
The n defaults to 1.
Example: Input, Tn (absolute tabs):
demo% cat rtab.f CHARACTER C*2, S*2 OPEN( 1, FILE='') DO I = 1, 2 READ( 1, 2 ) C, S 2 FORMAT( T5, A2, T1, A2 ) PRINT *, C, S END DO END demo%
demo% cat defguvwx 12345678 demo%
demo% a.out uvde 5612 demo%
The above example first reads columns 5 and 6, then columns 1 and 2.
Example: Output Tn (absolute tabs); this program writes an output file:
demo% cat otab.f CHARACTER C*20 / "12345678901234567890" / OPEN( 1, FILE='mytab.rep') WRITE( 1, 2 ) C, ":", ":" 2 FORMAT( A20, T10, A1, T20, A1 ) END demo%
demo% cat mytab.rep 123456789:123456789: demo%
The above example writes 20 characters, then changes columns 10 and 20.
Example: Input, TRn and TL n (relative tabs)--the program reads:
demo% cat rtabi.f CHARACTER C, S, T OPEN( 1, FILE='') DO I = 1, 2 READ( 1, 2 ) C, S, T 2 FORMAT( A1, TR5, A1, TL4, A1 ) PRINT *, C, S, T END DO END demo%
demo% cat defguvwx 12345678 demo%
demo% a.out dwg 174 demo%
The above example reads column 1, then tabs right 5 to column 7, then tabs left 4 to column 4.
Example: Output TR n and TL n (relative tabs)--this program writes an output file:
demo% cat rtabo.f CHARACTER C*20 / "12345678901234567890" / OPEN( 1, FILE='rtabo.rep') WRITE( 1, 2 ) C, ":", ":" 2 FORMAT( A20, TL11, A1, TR9, A1 ) END demo%
The run shows nothing, but you can list the mytab.rep output file:
demo% cat rtabo.rep 123456789:123456789: demo%
The above program writes 20 characters, tabs left 11 to column 10, then tabs right 9 to column 20.
The quotes edit specifier is in the form of a character constant.@It causes characters to be written from the enclosed characters of the edit specifier itself, including blanks. A quotes edit specifier must not be used on input.
The width of the field is the number of characters contained in, but not including, the delimiting quotes. Within the field, two consecutive quotes with no intervening blanks are counted as a single quote. You can use apostrophes in a similar way.
Example: quote.f (two equivalent ways):
WRITE( *, 1 ) 1 FORMAT( 'This is a quote ".' ) WRITE( *, 2 ) 2 FORMAT( "This is a quote ""." ) END
This program writes this message twice: This is a quote ".
The format specifier is R or nR, where 2 £ n £36. If n is omitted, the default decimal radix is restored.
You can specify radixes other than 10 for formatted integer I/O conversion. The specifier is patterned after P, the scale factor for floating-point conversion. It remains in effect until another radix is specified or format interpretation is complete. The I/O item is treated as a 32-bit integer.
Example: Radix 16--the format for an unsigned, hex, integer, 10 places wide, zero-filled to 8 digits, is (su, 16r, I10.8), as in:
demo% cat radix.f integer i / 110 / write( *, 1 ) i 1 format( SU, 16r, I10.8 ) end demo% f77 -silent radix.f demo% a.out DD0000006E demo%
SU is described in "Sign Editing (SU, SP, SS, S) ".
The D, E, F, and G specifiers are for decimal real data items.
The D specifier is for the exponential form of decimal double-precision items. The general form is
D [ w [ .d ] ]
The D w and D w.d edit specifiers indicate that the field to be edited occupies w positions. d indicates that the fractional part of the number (the part to the right of the decimal point) has d digits. However, if the input datum contains a decimal point, that decimal point overrides the d value.
On input, the specified list item becomes defined with a real datum. On output, the specified list item must be defined as a real datum.
In an output statement, the D edit descriptor does the same thing as the E edit descriptor, except that a D is used in place of an E. The output field for the D w.d edit specifier has the width w. The value is right-justified in that field. The field consists of zero or more leading blanks followed by either a minus if the value is negative, or an optional plus, followed by the magnitude of the value of the list item rounded to d decimal digits.
w must allow for a minus sign, at least one digit to the left of the decimal point, the decimal point, and d digits to the right of the decimal point. Therefore, it must be the case that w d+3.
Example: Real input with D editing in the program, Dinp.f:
CHARACTER LINE*24 / '12345678 23.5678 .345678' / READ( LINE, '( D8.3, D8.3, D8.3 )') R, S, T PRINT '( D10.3, D11.4, D13.6 )', R, S, T END
0.123D+05 0.2357D+02 0.345678D+00
In the above example, the first input data item has no decimal point, so D8.3 determines the decimal point. The other input data items have decimal points, so those decimal points override the D edit descriptor as far as decimal points are concerned.
Example: Real output with D editing in the program Dout.f:
R = 1234.678 PRINT 1, R, R, R 1 FORMAT( D9.3 / D8.4 / D13.4 ) END
0.123D+04 ******** ¤¤¤0.1235D+04
In the above example, the second printed line is asterisks because the D8.4 does not allow for the sign; in the third printed line the D13.4 results in three leading blanks.
The E specifier is for the exponential form of decimal real data items. The general form is:
E [ w [ .d ] [ Ee ] ]
w indicates that the field to be edited occupies w positions.
d indicates that the fractional part of the number (the part to the right of the decimal point) has d digits. However, if the input datum contains a decimal point, that decimal point overrides the d value.
e indicates the number of digits in the exponent field. The default is 2.
The specified input/output list item must be of type real. On input, the specified list item becomes defined with a real datum. On output, the specified list item must be defined as a real datum.
The output field for the E w.d edit specifier has the width w. The value is right-justified in that field. The field consists of zero or more leading blanks followed by either a minus if the value is negative, or an optional plus, followed by a zero, a decimal point, the magnitude of the value of the list item rounded to d decimal digits, and an exponent.
For the form Ew.d:
If | exponent | .le. 99, it has the form Enn or 0nn.
If 99 .le. | exponent | .le. 999, it has the form nnn.
For the form Ew.dEe, if | exponent | .le. ( 10e ) - 1, then the exponent has the form nnn.
For the form Dw.d:
If | exponent | .le. 99, it has the form Dnn or Enn or 0nn.
If 99 £ | exponent | .le. 999, it has the form nnn.
n is any digit.
The sign in the exponent is required.
w need not allow for a minus sign, but must allow for a zero, the decimal point, and d digits to the right of the decimal point, and an exponent. Therefore, for nonnegative numbers, w .le. d+6; if e is present, then w .le. d+e+4. For negative numbers, w .le. d+7; if e is present, then w .le. d+e+5.
Example: Real input with E editing in the program, Einp.f:
CHARACTER L*40/'1234567E2 1234.67E-3 12.4567 '/ READ( L, '( E9.3, E12.3, E12.6 )') R, S, T PRINT '( E15.6, E15.6, E15.7 )', R, S, T END
In the above example, the first input data item has no decimal point, so E9.3 determines the decimal point. The other input data items have decimal points, so those decimal points override the D edit descriptor as far as decimal points are concerned.
Example: Real output with E editing in the program Eout.f:
R = 1234.678 PRINT 1, R, R, R 1 FORMAT( E9.3 / E8.4 / E13.4 ) END
0.123E+04 ******** ¤¤¤0.1235E+04
In the above example, E8.4 does not allow for the sign, so we get asterisks. Also, the extra wide field of the E13.4 results in three leading blanks.
Example: Real output with Ew.dEe editing in the program EwdEe.f:
REAL X / 0.000789 / WRITE(*,'( E13.3)') X WRITE(*,'( E13.3E4)') X WRITE(*,'( E13.3E5)') X END
¤¤¤¤0.789E-03 ¤¤0.789E-0003 ¤0.789E-00003
The F specifier is for decimal real data items. The general form is
F [ w [ .d ] ]
The Fw and Fw.d edit specifiers indicate that the field to be edited occupies w positions.
d indicates that the fractional part of the number (the part to the right of the decimal point) has d digits. However, if the input datum contains a decimal point, that decimal point overrides the d value.
The specified input/output list item must be of type real. On input, the specified list item becomes defined with a real datum. On output, the specified list item must be defined as a real datum.
The output field for the F w.d edit specifier has the width w. The value is right-justified in that field. The field consists of zero or more leading blanks followed by either a minus if the value is negative, or an optional plus, followed by the magnitude of the value of the list item rounded to d decimal digits.
w must allow for a minus sign, at least one digit to the left of the decimal point, the decimal point, and d digits to the right of the decimal point. Therefore, it must be the case that w.le.d+3.
Example: Real input with F editing in the program Finp.f:
CHARACTER LINE*24 / '12345678 23.5678 .345678' / READ( LINE, '( F8.3, F8.3, F8.3 )') R, S, T PRINT '( F9.3, F9.4, F9.6 )', R, S, T END
In the above example, the first input data item has no decimal point, so F8.3 determines the decimal point. The other input data items have decimal points, so those decimal points override the F edit descriptor as far as decimal points are concerned.
Example: Real output with F editing in the program Fout.f:
R = 1234.678 PRINT 1, R, R, R 1 FORMAT( F9.3 / F8.4 / F13.4 ) END
¤1234.678 ******** ¤¤¤¤1234.6780
In the above example, F8.4 does not allow for the sign; F13.4 results in four leading blanks and one trailing zero.
The G specifier is for decimal real data items. The general form is
G [ w [ .d ] ] |
or: |
G w.d E e |
The D, E, F, and G edit specifiers interpret data in the same way.
The representation for output by the G edit descriptor depends on the magnitude of the internal datum. In the following table, N is the magnitude of the internal datum.
Range |
Form |
0.1 <= N < 1.0 1.0 <= N < 10.0 ... 10(d-2) <= N <= 10(d-1) 10(d-1) <= N < 10d |
F(w-4).d, n(¤) F(w-4).(d-1), n(¤) ... F(w-4).1, n(¤) F(w-4).0, n(¤) |
If you are entering numeric data that is controlled by a fixed-column format, then you can use commas to override any exacting column restrictions.
(I10, F20.10, I4)
Using the above format reads the following record correctly:
The I/O system is just being more lenient than described in the FORTRAN Standard. In general, when doing a formatted read of noncharacter variables, commas override field lengths. More precisely, for the Iw, Fw.d, Ew.d[Ee], and Gw.d input fields, the field ends when w characters have been scanned, or a comma has been scanned, whichever occurs first. If it is a comma, the field consists of the characters up to, but not including, the comma; the next field begins with the character following the comma.
The Q edit descriptor gets the length of an input record or the remaining portion of it that is unread. @ It gets the number of characters remaining to be read from the current record.
Example: From a real and a string, get: real, string length, and string:
demo% cat qed1.f * qed1.f Q edit descriptor (real & string) CHARACTER CVECT(80)*1 OPEN ( UNIT=4, FILE='' ) READ ( 4, 1 ) R, L, ( CVECT(I), I=1,L ) 1 FORMAT ( F4.2, Q, 80 A1 ) WRITE ( *, 2 ) R, L, '"', (CVECT(I),I=1,L), '"' 2 FORMAT ( 1X, F7.2, 1X, I2, 1X, 80A1 ) END demo% cat 8.10qwerty demo% f77 qed1.f -o qed1 qed1.f: MAIN: demo% qed1 8.10 6 "qwerty" demo%
The above program reads a field into the variable R, then reads the number of characters remaining after that field into L, then reads L characters into CVECT. Q as the nth edit descriptor matches with L as the nth element in the READ list.
Example: Get length of input record; put the Q descriptor first:
demo% cat qed2.f CHARACTER CVECT(80)*1 OPEN ( UNIT=4, FILE='' ) READ ( 4, 1 ) L, ( CVECT(I), I=1,L ) 1 FORMAT ( Q, 80A1 ) WRITE ( *, 2 ) L, '"', (CVECT(I),I=1,L), '"' 2 FORMAT ( 1X, I2, 1X, 80A1 ) END demo% cat qwerty demo% f77 qed2.f -o qed2 qed2.f: MAIN: demo% qed2 6 "qwerty" demo%
The above example gets the length of the input record. With the whole input string and its length, you can then parse it yourself.
Several restrictions on the Q edit descriptor apply:
The list element Q corresponds to must be of INTEGER or LOGICAL data type.
Q does strictly a character count. It gets the number of characters remaining in the input record, and does not get the number of integers or reals or anything else.
The Q edit descriptor cannot be applied for pipe files, as Q edit requires that the file be rereadable.
This descriptor operates on files and stdin (terminal) input.
This descriptor is ignored for output.
The P edit descriptor scales real input values by a power of 10. It also gives you more control over the significant digit displayed for output values.
The general form is:
Parameter |
Description |
k |
Integer constant, with an optional sign |
k is called the scale factor, and the default value is zero.
Example: I/O statements with scale factors:
READ ( 1, '( 3P E8.2 )' ) X WRITE ( 1, '( 1P E8.2 )' ) X
P by itself is equivalent to 0P. It resets the scale factor to the default value 0P. This P by itself is nonstandard.
The scale factor is reset to zero at the start of execution of each I/O statement. The scale factor can have an effect on D, E, F, and G edit descriptors.
On input, any external datum that does not have an exponent field is divided by 10k before it is stored internally.
Input examples: Showing data, scale factors, and resulting value stored:
Data |
18.63 |
18.63 |
18.63E2 |
18.63 |
Format |
E8.2 |
3P E8.2 |
3P E8.2 |
-3P E8.2 |
Memory |
18.63 |
.01863 |
18.63E2 |
18630. |
On output, with D, and E descriptors, and with G descriptors if the E editing is required, the internal item gets its basic real constant part multiplied by 10k, and the exponent is reduced by k before it is written out.
On output with the F descriptor and with G descriptors, if the F editing is sufficient, the internal item gets its basic real constant part multiplied by 10k before it is written out.
Output Examples: Showing value stored, scale factors, and resulting output:
Memory |
290.0 |
290.0 |
290.0 |
290.0 |
Format |
2P E9.3 |
1P E9.3 |
-1P E9.3 |
F9.3 |
Display |
29.00E+01 |
2.900E+02 |
0.029E+04 |
0.290E+03 |
The SU, SP, and S edit descriptors control leading signs for output. For normal output, without any specific sign specifiers, if a value is negative, a minus sign is printed in the first position to the left of the leftmost digit; if the value is positive, printing a plus sign depends on the implementation, but f77 omits the plus sign.
The following sign specifiers are available:
SP--If SP precedes a specification, a sign is printed.
SS--If SS precedes a specification, plus-sign printing is suppressed.
S--If S precedes a specification, the system default is restored. The default is SS.
SU--If SU precedes a specification, integer values are interpreted as unsigned. This is nonstandard. @
For example, the unsigned specifier can be used with the radix specifier to format a hexadecimal dump, as follows:
2000 FORMAT( SU, 16R, 8I10.8 )
The rules and restrictions for sign control are:
Sign-control specifiers apply to output only.
A sign-control specifier remains in effect until another sign-control specifier is encountered, or format interpretation is complete.
The S, SP, and SS specifiers affect only I, F, E, D, and G editing.
The SU specifier affects only I editing.
The slash ( / ) edit specifier indicates the end of data transfer on the current record.
On input, any remaining portion of the current record is skipped, and the file is positioned at the beginning of the next record. Two successive slashes (//) skip a whole record.
On output, an end-of-record is written, and a new record is started. Two successive slashes (//) produce a record of no characters. If the file is an internal file, that record is filled with blanks.
Each slash increases the record number by one, and the file is positioned at the start of the record with that record number.
On output, two successive slashes (//) produce a record of no characters, and that record is filled with blanks.
The colon (:) edit descriptor allows for conditional termination of the format. If the I/O list is exhausted before the format, then the format terminates at the colon.
* col1.f The colon (:) edit descriptor DATA INIT / 3 /, LAST / 8 / WRITE ( *, 2 ) INIT WRITE ( *, 2 ) INIT, LAST 2 FORMAT ( 1X 'INIT = ', I2, :, 3X, 'LAST = ', I2 ) END
The above program produces output like the following
INIT = 3 INIT = 3 LAST = 8
Without the colon, the output is more like this:
INIT = 3 LAST = INIT = 3 LAST = 8
You can put the format specifier into an object that you can change during execution. Doing so improves flexibility. There is some increase in execution time because this kind of format specifier is parsed every time the I/O statement is executed. These are also called variable formats.
The object must be one of the following kinds:
Character expression--The character expression can be a scalar, an array, an element of an array, a substring, a field of a structured record @, the concatenation of any of the above, and so forth.
Integer array @--The integer array can get its character values by a DATA statement, an assignment statement, a READ statement, and so forth.
You must provide the delimiting left and right parentheses, but not the word FORMAT, and not a statement number.
You must declare the object so that it is big enough to hold the entire format. For instance, '(8X,12I)' does not fit in an INTEGER*4 or a CHARACTER*4 object.
Examples: Runtime formats in character expressions and integer arrays
demo% cat runtim.f CHARACTER CS*8 CHARACTER CA(1:7)*1 /'(','1','X',',','I','2',')'/ CHARACTER S(1:7)*6 INTEGER*4 IA(2) STRUCTURE / STR / CHARACTER*4 A INTEGER*4 K END STRUCTURE CHARACTER*8 LEFT, RIGHT RECORD /STR/ R N = 9 CS = '(I8)' WRITE( *, CS ) N ! Character Scalar CA(2) = '6' WRITE( *, CA ) N ! Character Array S(2) = '(I8)' WRITE( *, S(2) ) N ! Element of Character Array IA(1) = '(I8)' WRITE(*, IA ) N ! Integer Array R.A = '(I8)' WRITE( *, R.A ) N ! Field Of Record LEFT = '(I' RIGHT = '8)' WRITE(*, LEFT // RIGHT ) N ! Concatenate END demo% f77 -silent runtim.f demo% a.out 9 9 9 9 9 9 demo%
In general, inside a FORMAT statement, any integer constant can be replaced by an arbitrary expression. @
The expression itself must be enclosed in angle brackets.
1 FORMAT( 3F6.1 )
can be replaced by the variable N, as in:
1 FORMAT( 3F<N>.1 )
or by the slightly more complicated expression 2*N+M, as in:
1 FORMAT( 3F<2*N+M>.1 )
Similarly, the 3 or 1 can be replaced by any expression.
The single exception is the n in an nH... edit descriptor.
The rules and restrictions for variable format expressions are:
The expression is reevaluated each time it is encountered in a format scan.
If necessary, the expression is converted to integer type.
Any valid FORTRAN expression is allowed, including function calls.
Variable expressions are not allowed in formats generated at runtime.
The n in an nH... edit descriptor cannot be a variable expression.
Unformatted I/O is used to transfer binary information to or from memory locations without changing its internal representation. Each execution of an unformatted I/O statement causes a single logical record to be read or written. Since internal representation varies with different architectures, unformatted I/O is limited in its portability.
You can use unformatted I/O to write data out temporarily, or to write data out quickly for subsequent input to another FORTRAN program running on a machine with the same architecture.
Logical record length for unformatted, sequential files is determined by the number of bytes required by the items in the I/O list. The requirements of this form of I/O cause the external physical record size to be somewhat larger than the logical record size.
WRITE( 8 ) A, B
The FORTRAN runtime system embeds the record boundaries in the data by inserting an INTEGER*4 byte count at the beginning and end of each unformatted sequential record during an unformatted sequential WRITE. The trailing byte count enables BACKSPACE to operate on records. The result is that FORTRAN programs can use an unformatted sequential READ only on data that was written by an unformatted sequential WRITE operation. Any attempt to read such a record as formatted would have unpredictable results.
Here are some guidelines:
Avoid using the unformatted sequential READ unless your file was written that way.
Because of the extra data at the beginning and end of each unformatted sequential record, you might want to try using the unformatted direct I/O whenever that extra data is significant. It is more significant with short records than with very long ones.
If your I/O lists are different lengths, you can OPEN the file with the RECL=1 option. This signals FORTRAN to use the I/O list to determine how many items to read or write.
For each read, you still must tell it the initial record to start at, in this case which byte, so you must know the size of each item. @
A simple example follows.
Example: Direct access--create 3 records with 2 integers each:
demo% cat Direct1.f integer u/4/, v /5/, w /6/, x /7/, y /8/, z /9/ open( 1, access='DIRECT', recl=8 ) write( 1, rec=1 ) u, v write( 1, rec=2 ) w, x write( 1, rec=3 ) y, z end demo% f77 -silent Direct1.f demo% a.out demo%
Example: Direct access--read the 3 records:
demo% cat Direct2.f integer u, v, w, x, y, z open( 1, access='DIRECT', recl=8 ) read( 1, rec=1 ) u, v read( 1, rec=2 ) w, x read( 1, rec=3 ) y, z write(*,*) u, v, w, x, y, z end demo% f77 -silent Direct2.f demo% a.out 4 5 6 7 8 9 demo%
Here we knew beforehand the size of the records on the file. In this case we can read the file just as it was written.
However, if we only know the size of each item but not the size of the records on a file we can use recl=1 on the OPEN statement to have the I/O list itself determine how many items to read:
Example: Direct-access read, variable-length records, recl=1:
demo% cat Direct3.f integer u, v, w, x, y, z open( 1, access='DIRECT', recl=1 ) read( 1, rec=1 ) u, v, w read( 1, rec=13 ) x, y, z write(*,*) u, v, w, x, y, z end demo% f77 -silent Direct3.f demo% a.out 4 5 6 7 8 9 demo%
In the above example, after reading 3 integers (12 bytes), you start the next read at record 13.
List-directed I/O is a free-form I/O for sequential access devices. To get it, use an asterisk as the format identifier, as in:
READ( 6, * ) A, B, C
Note these rules for list-directed input:
On input, values are separated by strings of blanks and, possibly, a comma.
Values, except for character strings, cannot contain blanks.
Character strings can be quoted strings, using pairs of quotes ("), pairs of apostrophes ('), or unquoted strings (see "Unquoted Strings "), but not hollerith (nHxyz) strings.
End-of-record counts as a blank, except in character strings, where it is ignored.
Complex constants are given as two real constants separated by a comma and enclosed in parentheses.
A null input field, such as between two consecutive commas, means that the corresponding variable in the I/O list is not changed.
Input data items can be preceded by repetition counts, as in:
4*(3.,2.) 2*, 4*'hello'
The above input stands for 4 complex constants, 2 null input fields, and 4 string constants.
A slash (/) in the input list terminates assignment of values to the input list during list-directed input, and the remainder of the current input line is skipped. Any text that follows the slash is ignored and can be used to comment the data line.
List-directed output provides a quick and easy way to print output without fussing with format details. If you need exact formats, use formatted I/O. A suitable format is chosen for each item, and where a conflict exists between complete accuracy and simple output form, the simple form is chosen.
Note these rules for list-directed output:
In general, each record starts with a blank space. For a print file, that blank is not printed. See "Printing Files" for details. @
Character strings are printed as is. They are not enclosed in quotes, so only certain forms of strings can be read back using list-directed input. These forms are described in the next section.
A number with no exact binary representation is rounded off.
Example: No exact binary representation:
demo% cat lis5.f READ ( 5, * ) X WRITE( 6, * ) X, ' beauty' WRITE( 6, 1 ) X 1 FORMAT( 1X, F13.8, ' truth' ) END demo% f77 lis5.f lis5.f: MAIN: demo% a.out 1.4 1.40000000 beauty 1.39999998 truth demo%
In the above example, if you need accuracy, specify the format.
Also note:
Output lines longer than 80 characters are avoided where possible.
Complex and double complex values include an appropriate comma.
Real, double, and quadruple precision values are formatted differently.
A backslash-n (\n) in a character string is output as a carriage return, unless the -xl option is on, and then it is output as a backslash-n(\n).
Example: List-directed I/O and backslash-n, with and without -xl:
demo% cat f77 bslash.f CHARACTER S*8 / '12\n3' / PRINT *, S END demo%
Without -xl, \n prints as a carriage return:
demo% f77 -silent bslash.f demo% a.out 12 3 demo%
With -xl, \n prints as a character string:
demo% f77 -xl -silent bslash.f demo% a.out 12\n3 demo%
Type |
Format |
Two blanks followed by the number An {n = length of character expression} '¤¤(', 1PE14.5E2, ',', 1PE14.5E2, ')' '¤¤(', 1PE22.13.E2, ',', 1PE22.13.E2, ')' '¤¤(', 1PE44.34E3, ',', 1PE44.34E3, ')' Two blanks followed by the number Two blanks followed by the number Two blanks followed by the number Two blanks followed by the number L3 L3 L3 1PE14.5E2 1PE22.13.E2 1PE44.34E4 |
COMPLEX*32 and REAL*16 are SPARC only.
f77 list-directed I/O allows reading of a string not enclosed in quotes. @
The string must not start with a digit, and cannot contain separators (commas or slashes (/)) or whitespace (spaces or tabs). A newline terminates the string unless escaped with a backslash (\). Any string not meeting the above restrictions must be enclosed in single or double quotes.
Example: List-directed input of unquoted strings:
The above program, unquoted.f, reads and displays as follows:
demo% a.out 23 label 82 locked 23label 82locked demo%
f77 extends list-directed I/O to allow internal I/O. @
During internal, list-directed reads, characters are consumed until the input list is satisfied or the end-of-file is reached. During internal, list-directed writes, records are filled until the output list is satisfied. The length of an internal array element should be at least 20 characters to avoid logical record overflow when writing double-precision values. Internal, list-directed read was implemented to make command line decoding easier. Internal, list-directed output should be avoided.
NAMELIST I/O produces format-free input or output of whole groups of variables, or input of selected items in a group of variables.@
The NAMELIST statement defines a group of variables or arrays. It specifies a group name, and lists the variables and arrays of that group.
The syntax of the NAMELIST statement is:
NAMELIST /group-name/namelist[[,]/group-name/namelist]...
Parameter |
Description |
group-name |
Name of group |
namelist |
List of variables or arrays, separated by commas |
See "NAMELIST" for details.
A variable or array can be listed in more than one NAMELIST group.
The input data can include array elements and strings. It can include substrings in the sense that the input constant data string can be shorter than the declared size of the variable.
group name can appear in only the NAMELIST, READ, or WRITE statements, and must be unique for the program.
list cannot include constants, array elements, dummy assumed-size arrays, structures, substrings, records, record fields, pointers, or pointer-based variables.
Example: A variable in two NAMELIST groups:
In the above example, DELTA is in the group CASE and in the group GRID.
NAMELIST output uses a special form of WRITE statement, which makes a report that shows the group name. For each variable of the group, it shows the name and current value in memory. It formats each value according to the type of each variable, and writes the report so that NAMELIST input can read it.
The syntax of NAMELIST WRITE is:
WRITE ( extu, namelist-specifier [, iostat] [, err])
where namelist-specifier has the form:
and group-name has been previously defined in a NAMELIST statement.
The NAMELIST WRITE statement writes values of all variables in the group, in the same order as in the NAMELIST statement.
demo% cat nam1.f * nam1.f Namelist output CHARACTER*8 SAMPLE LOGICAL*4 NEW REAL*4 DELTA NAMELIST /CASE/ SAMPLE, NEW, DELTA DATA SAMPLE /'Demo'/, NEW /.TRUE./, DELTA /0.1/ WRITE ( *, CASE ) END demo% f77 nam1.f f77 nam1.f nam1.f: MAIN: demo% a.out D&case sample= Demo , new= T, delta= 0.100000 D&end demo%
Note that if you do omit the keyword NML then the unit parameter must be first, namelist-specifier must be second, and there must not be a format specifier.
The WRITE can have the form of the following example:
The NAMELIST input statement reads the next external record, skipping over column one, and looking for the symbol $ in column two or beyond, followed by the group name specified in the READ statement.
If the $group-name is not found, the input records are read until end of file.
The records are input and values assigned by matching names in the data with names in the group, using the data types of the variables in the group.
Variables in the group that are not found in the input data are unaltered.
The syntax of NAMELIST READ is:
READ ( extu, namelist-specifier [, iostat] [, err] [, end])
where namelist-specifier has the form:
and group-name has been previously defined in a NAMELIST statement.
In this example, the group CASE consists of the variables, SAMPLE, NEW, DELTA, and MAT. If you do omit the keyword NML, then you must also omit the keyword UNIT. The unit parameter must be first, namelist-specifier must be second, and there must not be a format specifier.
The READ can have the form of the following example:
The first record of NAMELIST input data has the special symbol $ (dollar sign) in column two or beyond, followed by the NAMELIST group name. This is followed by a series of assignment statements, starting in or after column two, on the same or subsequent records, each assigning a value to a variable (or one or more values to array elements) of the specified group. The input data is terminated with another $ in or after column two, as in the pattern:
¤$group-name variable =value [,variable =value,] $[END]
You can alternatively use an ampersand (&) in place of each dollar sign, but the beginning and ending delimiters must match. END is an optional part of the last delimiter.
The input data assignment statements must be in one of the following forms:
variable=value |
array=value1[, value2,]... |
array(subscript)=value1[, value2,]... |
array(subscript,subscript)=value1[, value2,]... |
variable=character constant |
variable(index:index)=character constant |
If an array is subscripted, it must be subscripted with the appropriate number of subscripts: 1, 2, 3,...
Use quotes (either " or ') to delimit character constants. For more on character constants, see the next section.
The following is sample data to be read by the program segment above:
¤$case delta=0.05, mat( 2, 2 ) = 2.2, sample='Demo' $
The data could be on several records. Here NEW was not input, and the order is not the same as in the example NAMELIST statement:
¤$case ¤delta=0.05 ¤mat( 2, 2 ) = 2.2 ¤sample='Demo' ¤$
The following syntax rules apply for input data to be read by NAMELIST:
The variables of the named group can be in any order, and any can be omitted.
The data must start in or after column two. Column one is totally ignored.
There must be at least one comma, space, or tab between variables, and one or more spaces or tabs are the same as a single space. Consecutive commas are not permitted before a variable name. Spaces before or after a comma have no effect.
No spaces or tabs are allowed inside a group name or a variable name, except around the commas of a subscript, around the colon of a substring, and after the ( and before the ) marks. No name can be split over two records.
The end of a record acts like a space character.
Note an exception--in a character constant, it is ignored, and the character constant is continued with the next record. The last character of the current record is immediately followed by the second character of the next record. The first character of each record is ignored.
The equal sign of the assignment statement can have zero or more blanks or tabs on each side of it.
Only constant values can be used for subscripts, range indicators of substrings, and the values assigned to variables or arrays. You cannot use a symbolic constant (parameter) in the actual input data.
Hollerith, octal, and hexadecimal constants are not permitted.
Each constant assigned has the same form as the corresponding FORTRAN constant.
There must be at least one comma, space, or tab between constants. Zero or more spaces or tabs are the same as a single space. You can enter: 1,2,3, or 1 2 3, or 1, 2, 3, and so forth.
Inside a character constant, consecutive spaces or tabs are preserved, not compressed.
A character constant is delimited by apostrophes (') or quotes ("), but if you start with one of those, you must finish that character constant with the same one. If you use the apostrophe as the delimiter, then to get an apostrophe in a string, use two consecutive apostrophes.
¤sample='use "$" in 2' (Read as: use $ in 2) ¤sample='don''t' (Read as: don't) ¤sample="don''t" (Read as: don''t) ¤sample="don't" (Read as: don't)
A complex constant is a pair of real or integer constants separated by a comma and enclosed in parentheses. Spaces can occur only around the punctuation.
A logical constant is any form of true or false value, such as .TRUE. or .FALSE., or any value beginning with .T, .F, and so on.
A null data item is denoted by two consecutive commas, and it means the corresponding array element or complex variable value is not to be changed. Null data item can be used with array elements or complex variables only. One null data item represents an entire complex constant; you cannot use it for either part of a complex constant.
Example: NAMELIST input with some null data:
* nam2.f Namelist input with consecutive commas REAL ARRAY(4,4) NAMELIST /GRID/ ARRAY WRITE ( *, * ) 'Input?' READ ( *, GRID ) WRITE ( *, GRID ) END
¤$GRID ARRAY = 9,9,9,9,,,,,8,8,8,8 $
This code loads 9s into row 1, skips 4 elements, and loads 8s into row 3 of ARRAY.
The forms r*c and r* can be used only with an array.
The form r*c stores r copies of the constant c into an array, where r is a nonzero, unsigned integer constant, and c is any constant.
Example: NAMELIST with repeat-factor in data:
* nam3.f Namelist "r*c" and "r* " REAL PSI(10) NAMELIST /GRID/ PSI WRITE ( *, * ) 'Input?' READ ( *, GRID ) WRITE ( *, GRID ) END
¤$GRID PSI = 5*980 $
The program, nam3.f, reads the above input and loads 980.0 into the first 5 elements of the array PSI.
The form r* skips r elements of an array (that is, does not change them), where r is an unsigned integer constant.
Example: NAMELIST input with some skipped data.
¤$GRID PSI = 3* 5*980 $
The program, nam3.f, with the above input, skips the first 3 elements and loads 980.0 into elements 4,5,6,7,8 of PSI.
If your program is doing NAMELIST input from the terminal, you can request the group name and NAMELIST names that it accepts.
To do so, enter a question mark (?) in column two and press Return. The group name and variable names are then displayed. The program then waits again for input.
demo% cat nam4.f * nam4.f Namelist: requesting names CHARACTER*14 SAMPLE LOGICAL*4 NEW REAL*4 DELTA NAMELIST /CASE/ SAMPLE, NEW, DELTA WRITE ( *, * ) 'Input?' READ ( *, CASE ) END demo% f77 -silent nam4.f demo% a.out Input? ¤? <-- Keyboard Input ¤$case ¤sample ¤new ¤delta ¤$end ¤$case sample="Test 2", delta=0.03 $ <-- Keyboard Input demo%