FORTRAN 77 Language Reference


A type statement can be used to:

A type statement can assign initial values to variables, arrays, or record fields by specifying a list of constants (clist) as in a DATA statement. @

The general form of a type statement is:

type VariableName / constant /


type ArrayName / constant, /


type ArrayName / r*constant /

Example: Various type statements:

       CHARACTER LABEL*12 / 'Standard' /
       COMPLEX STRESSPT / ( 0.0, 1.0 ) /
       INTEGER COUNT / 99 /, Z / 1 /
       REAL PRICE / 0.0 /, COST / 0.0 /
       REAL LIST(8) / 0.0, 6*1.0, 0.0 /

When you initialize a data type, remember the following restrictions: