Fortran Programming Guide

Global Program Checking

The f77 compiler's -Xlistx options provide a valuable way to analyze a source program for inconsistencies and possible runtime problems. The analysis performed by the compiler is global, across subprograms.

-Xlistx reports errors in alignment, agreement in number and type for subprogram arguments, common block, parameter, and various other kinds of errors.

-Xlistx also can be used to make detailed source code listings and cross-reference tables.

Note -

The f90 compiler provides only a subset of the --Xlist options described here. A conventional cross-reference map is produced, but complete global program checking is not performed.

GPC Overview

Global program checking (GPC), invoked by the -Xlistx option, does the following:

In particular, global checking reports problems such as:

How to Invoke Global Program Checking

The -Xlist option on the command line invokes the compiler's global program analyzer. There are a number of -Xlistx suboptions, as described in the sections that follow.

Example: Compile three files for basic global program checking:

demo% f77 -Xlist  any1.f  any2.f  any3.f

In the preceding example, the compiler:

Screen Output

Normally, output listings produced by -Xlistx are written to a file. To display directly to the screen, use -Xlisto to write the output file to /dev/tty.

Example: Display to terminal:

demo% f77 -Xlisto /dev/tty  any1.f 

Default Output Features

The -Xlist option provides a combination of features available for output. With no other -Xlist options, you get the following by default:

File Types

The checking process recognizes all the files in the compiler command line that end in .f, .f90, .for, .F, or .o. The .o files supply the process with information regarding only global names, such as subroutine and function names.

Analysis Files (.fln Files)

Programs compiled with --Xlist options have their analysis data built into the binary files automatically. This enables global program checking over programs in libraries.

Alternatively, the compiler will save individual source file analysis results into files with a .fln suffix if the -Xlistflndir option is also specified. dir indicates the directory to receive these files.

demo% f77 -Xlistfln/tmp *.f

Some Examples of --Xlist and Global Program Checking

Here is a listing of the Repeat.f source code used in the following examples:

demo% cat Repeat.f
       PROGRAM repeat
         pn1 = REAL( LOC ( rp1 ) )
         CALL subr1 ( pn1 )
         CALL nwfrk ( pn1 )
         PRINT *, pn1
       END ! PROGRAM repeat

       SUBROUTINE subr1 ( x )
         IF ( x .GT. 1.0 ) THEN
          CALL subr1 ( x * 0.5 )
         END IF

       SUBROUTINE nwfrk( ix )
         EXTERNAL fork
         INTEGER prnok, fork
         PRINT *, prnok ( ix ), fork ( )

       INTEGER FUNCTION prnok ( x )
         prnok = INT ( x ) + LOC(x)

       SUBROUTINE unreach_sub()
         CALL sleep(1)

Example: Use -XlistE to show errors and warnings:

demo% f77 -XlistE -silent Repeat.f
demo% cat Repeat.lst
FILE  "Repeat.f"
program  repeat
     4             CALL nwfrk ( pn1 )
**** ERR  #418:  argument "pn1" is real, but dummy argument is
                 See: "Repeat.f" line #14
     4             CALL nwfrk ( pn1 )
**** ERR  #317:  variable "pn1" referenced as integer*4 across
                 repeat/nwfrk//prnok in line #21 but set as real 
                 by repeat in line #2
subroutine  subr1
    10              CALL subr1 ( x * 0.5 )
**** WAR  #348:  recursive call for "subr1". See dynamic calls:
                 "Repeat.f" line #3
subroutine  nwfrk
    17             PRINT *, prnok ( ix ), fork ( )
**** ERR  #418:  argument "ix" is integer*4, but dummy argument 
                 is real
                 See: "Repeat.f" line #20
subroutine  unreach_sub
    24           SUBROUTINE unreach_sub()
**** WAR  #338:  subroutine "unreach_sub" isn't called from program

Date:     Wed Feb 24 10:40:32 1999
Files:         2 (Sources: 1; libraries: 1)
Lines:        26 (Sources: 26; Library subprograms:2)
Routines:      5 (MAIN: 1; Subroutines: 3; Functions: 1)
Messages:      5 (Errors: 3; Warnings: 2)

Compiling the same program with --Xlist also produces a cross-reference table on standard output:

         C R O S S   R E F E R E N C E   T A B L E
  Source file:   Repeat.f
D        Definition/Declaration
U        Simple use
M        Modified occurrence
A        Actual argument
C        Subroutine/Function call
I        Initialization: DATA or extended declaration
E        Occurrence in EQUIVALENCE
N        Occurrence in NAMELIST

         P R O G R A M   F O R M
repeat          <repeat>        D      1:D 

 Functions and Subroutines
fork     int*4  <nwfrk>        DC     15:D     16:D     17:C 

int      intrinsic
                <prnok>         C     21:C 

loc      intrinsic
                <repeat>        C      2:C 
                <prnok>         C     21:C 

nwfrk           <repeat>        C      4:C 
                <nwfrk>         D     14:D 

prnok    int*4  <nwfrk>        DC     16:D     17:C 
                <prnok>        DM     20:D     21:M 

real     intrinsic
                <repeat>        C      2:C 

sleep           <unreach_sub>            C     25:C 

subr1           <repeat>        C      3:C 
                <subr1>        DC      8:D     10:C 
unreach_sub     <unreach_sub>            D     24:D 

Output from compiling f77 -Xlist Repeat.f (Continued)

 Variables and Arrays

ix       int*4  dummy
                <nwfrk>        DA     14:D     17:A 

pn1      real*4 <repeat>      UMA      2:M      3:A      4:A      5:U 

rp1      real*4 <repeat>        A      2:A 

x        real*4 dummy
                <subr1>        DU      8:D      9:U     10:U 
                <prnok>       DUA     20:D     21:A     21:U 


Date:     Tue Feb 22 13:15:39 1995
Files:         2 (Sources: 1; libraries: 1)
Lines:        26 (Sources: 26; Library subprograms:2)
Routines:      5 (MAIN: 1; Subroutines: 3; Functions: 1)
Messages:      5 (Errors: 3; Warnings: 2)

In the cross-reference table in the preceding example:

Suboptions for Global Checking Across Routines

The basic global cross-checking option is -Xlist with no suboption. It is a combination of suboptions, each of which could have been specified separately.

The following sections describe options for producing the listing, errors, and cross-reference table. Multiple suboptions may appear on the command line.

Suboption Syntax

Add suboptions according to the following rules:

--Xlist and its Suboptions

Combine suboptions according to the following rules:

Example: Each of these two command lines performs the same task:

demo% f77  -Xlistc  -Xlist  any.f

demo% f77  -Xlistc  any.f

The following table shows the reports generated by these basic --Xlist suboptions alone:

Table 5-1 Xlist Suboptions

Generated Report 


Errors, listing, cross-reference 


Errors only 


Errors and source listing only 


Errors and cross-reference table only 


Errors and call graph only 


The following table summarizes all -Xlist suboptions.

Table 5-2 Summary of --Xlist Suboptions



-Xlist (no suboption)

Shows errors, listing, and cross-reference table 


Shows call graphs and errors (f77 only)


Shows errors 


Suppresses error nnn in the verification report


Produces fast output (f77 only)


Puts the .fln files in dir (f77 only)


Shows errors from cross-checking stop compilation (f77 only)


Lists and cross-checks include files


Shows the listing and errors 


Sets page breaks 

-Xlisto name

Renames the -Xlist output report file


Suppresses unreferenced symbols from cross-reference (f77 only)


Sets checking "strictness" level (f77 only)


Sets the width of output lines 


Suppresses warning nnn in the report


Shows just the cross-reference table and errors 

-Xlist Suboption Reference

This section describes the --Xlist suboptions. As noted, some are only available with f77.

-f77: -Xlistc -- Show call graphs and cross-routine errors

Used alone, --Xlistc does not show a listing or cross-reference. It produces the call graph in a tree form, using printable characters. If some subroutines are not called from MAIN, more than one graph is shown. Each BLOCKDATA is printed separately with no connection to MAIN.

The default is not to show the call graph.

--XlistE - Show cross-routine errors

Used alone, --XlistE shows only cross-routine errors and does not show a listing or a cross-reference.

- -Xlisterr[nnn] - Suppress error nnn

Use --Xlisterr to suppress a numbered error message from the listing or cross-reference.

For example: -Xlisterr338 suppresses error message 338. If nnn is not specified, all error messages are suppressed. To suppress additional specific errors, use this option repeatedly.

f77: -Xlist-f - Produce faster output

Use --Xlistf to produce source file listings and a cross-checking report and to verify sources, but without generating object files.

The default without this option is to generate object files.

f77: -Xlist-flndir - Put .fln files into dir directory

Use --Xlistfln to specify the directory to receive .fln source analysis files. The directory specified (dir) must already exist. The default is to include the source analysis information directly within the object .o files (and not generate .fln files).

f77: -Xlist-h - Halt on errors

With --Xlisth, compilation stops if errors are detected while cross-checking the program. In this case, the report is redirected to stdout instead of the *.lst file.

-Xlist-I - List and cross-check include files

If -XlistI is the only suboption used, include files are shown or scanned along with the standard -Xlist output (line numbered listing, error messages, and a cross-reference table).

-Xlist-L - Show listing and cross routine errors

Use --XlistL to produce only a listing and a list of cross routine errors. This suboption by itself does not show a cross reference table. The default is to show the listing and cross reference table.

-Xlist-ln - Set the page length for pagination to n lines

Use --Xlistl to set the page length to something other than the default page size. For example, -Xlistl45 sets the page length to 45 lines. The default is 66.

With n=0 (-Xlistl0) this option shows listings and cross-references with no page breaks for easier on-screen viewing.

-Xlist-o name - Rename the -Xlist output report file

Use --Xlisto to rename the generated report output file. (A space between o and name is required.) With --Xlisto name, the output is to name.lst .

To display directly to the screen, use the command: -Xlisto /dev/tty

f77: -Xlist-s - Suppress unreferenced identifiers

Use --Xlists to suppress from the cross reference table any identifiers defined in the include files but not referenced in the source files.

This suboption has no effect if the suboption -XlistI is used.

The default is not to show the occurrences in #include or INCLUDE files.

f77: -Xlist-vn - Set level of checking strictness

n is 1,2, 3, or 4. The default is 2 (-Xlistv2):

-Xlist-w[nnn] - Set width of output line to n columns

Use --Xlistw to set the width of the output line. For example, -Xlistw132 sets the page width to 132 columns. The default is 79.

-Xlist-war[nnn] - Suppress warning nnn in the report

Use --Xlistwar to suppress a specific warning message from the output reports. If nnn is not specified, then all warning messages are suppressed from printing. For example, -Xlistwar338 suppresses warning message number 338. To suppress more than one, but not all warnings, use this option repeatedly.

-Xlist-X - Show cross-reference table and cross routine errors

--XlistX produces a cross reference table and cross routine error list but no source listing.

Some Examples Using Suboptions

Example: Use -Xlistwarnnn to suppress two warnings from a preceding example:

demo% f77 -Xlistwar338  -Xlistwar348 -XlistE -silent Repeat.f
demo% cat Repeat.lst
FILE  "Repeat.f"
program  repeat
     4             CALL nwfrk ( pn1 )
**** ERR  #418:  argument "pn1" is real, but dummy argument is 
                 See: "Repeat.f" line #14
     4             CALL nwfrk ( pn1 )
**** ERR  #317:  variable "pn1" referenced as integer*4 across
                 repeat/nwfrk//prnok in line #21 but set as real 
                 by repeat in line #2
subroutine  nwfrk
    17             PRINT *, prnok ( ix ), fork ( )
**** ERR  #418:  argument "ix" is integer*4, but dummy argument 
                 is real
                 See: "Repeat.f" line #20

Date:     Wed Feb 24 10:40:32 1999
Files:         2 (Sources: 1; libraries: 1)
Lines:        26 (Sources: 26; Library subprograms:2)
Routines:      5 (MAIN: 1; Subroutines: 3; Functions: 1)
Messages:      5 (Errors: 3; Warnings: 2)

Example: Explain a message and find a type mismatch in program ShoGetc.f:

demo% cat ShoGetc.f 
      CHARACTER*1 c
      i = getc(c)
demo% f77 -silent ShoGetc.f							   Compile program	
demo% a.out                   Program waits for input...						
Z                    Type "Z" on keyboard. This causes run-time message. Why?
 Note: IEEE floating-point exception flags raised: 
    Invalid Operation; 
 See the Numerical Computation Guide, ieee_flags(3M) 
demo% f77 -XlistE -silent ShoGetc.f  Compile with Global Program Checking
demo% cat ShoGetc.lst                and view listing
FILE  "ShoGetc.f"
program  MAIN
     2          i = getc(c)
**** WAR  #320:  variable "i" set but never referenced
     2          i = getc(c)
**** ERR  #412:  function "getc" used as real but declared as 
        Here is the error - function must be declared INTEGER.

     2          i = getc(c)
**** WAR  #320:  variable "c" set but never referenced
demo% cat ShoGetc.f      Modify program to declare getc INTEGER and run again.
      CHARACTER*1 c
      INTEGER getc
      i = getc(c)
demo% f77 -silent ShoGetc.f
demo% a.out
Z                        Type "Z" on keyboard
demo%                    Now no error.