Fortran Programming Guide

Other Performance Strategies

Assuming that you have experimented with using a variety of optimization options, compiling your program and measuring actual runtime performance, the next step might be to look closely at the Fortran source program to see what further tuning can be tried.

Focusing on just those parts of the program that use most of the compute time, you might consider the following strategies:

These are some of the good programming practices that tend to lead to better performance. It is possible to go further, hand-tuning the source code for a specific hardware configuration. However, these attempts might only further obscure the code and make it even more difficult for the compiler's optimizer to achieve significant performance improvements. Excessive hand-tuning of the source code can hide the original intent of the procedure and could have a significantly detrimental effect on performance for different architectures.

Using Optimized Libraries

In most situations, optimized commercial or shareware libraries perform standard computational procedures far more efficiently than you could by coding them by hand.

For example, the Sun Performance Library(TM) is a suite of highly optimized mathematical subroutines based on the standard LAPACK, BLAS, FFTPACK, VFFTPACK, and LINPACK libraries. Performance improvement using these routines can be significant when compared with hand coding.

Eliminating Performance Inhibitors

Use the profiling techniques described in Chapter 8 to identify the key computational parts of the program. Then, carefully analyze the loop or loop nest to eliminate coding that might either inhibit the optimizer from generating optimal code or otherwise degrade performance. Many of the nonstandard coding practices that make portability difficult might also inhibit optimization by the compiler.

Reprogramming techniques that improve performance are dealt with in more detail in some of the reference books listed at the end of the chapter. Three major approaches are worth mentioning here:

Removing I/O From Key Loops

I/O within a loop or loop nest enclosing the significant computational work of a program will seriously degrade performance. The amount of CPU time spent in the I/O library might be a major portion of the time spent in the loop. (I/O also causes process interrupts, thereby degrading program throughput.) By moving I/O out of the computation loop wherever possible, the number of calls to the I/O library can be greatly reduced.

Eliminating Subprogram Calls

Subroutines called deep within a loop nest could be called thousands of times. Even if the time spent in each routine per call is small, the total effect might be substantial. Also, subprogram calls inhibit optimization of the loop that contains them because the compiler cannot make assumptions about the state of registers over the call.

Automatic inlining of subprogram calls (using -inline=x,y,..z, or -O4) is one way to let the compiler replace the actual call with the subprogram itself (pulling the subprogram into the loop). The subprogram source code for the routines that are to be inlined must be found in the same file as the calling routine.

There are other ways to eliminate subprogram calls:

Rationalizing Tangled Code

Complicated conditional operations within a computationally intensive loop can dramatically inhibit the compiler's attempt at optimization. In general, a good rule to follow is to eliminate all arithmetic and logical IF's, replacing them with block IF's:

Original Code:
    IF(A(I)-DELTA) 10,10,11
10  XA(I) = XB(I)*B(I,I)
    XY(I) = XA(I) - A(I)
    GOTO 13
11  XA(I) = Z(I)
    XY(I) = Z(I)
    IF(QZDATA.LT.0.) GOTO 12
    ICNT = ICNT + 1
    ROX(ICNT) = XA(I)-DELTA/2.
12  SUM = SUM + X(I)
13  SUM = SUM + XA(I)

Untangled Code:
      XA(I) = XB(I)*B(I,I)
      XY(I) = XA(I) - A(I)
      XA(I) = Z(I)
      XY(I) = Z(I)
        ICNT = ICNT + 1
        ROX(ICNT) = XA(I)-DELTA/2.
      SUM = SUM + X(I)
    SUM = SUM + XA(I)

Using block IF not only improves the opportunities for the compiler to generate optimal code, it also improves readability and assures portability.