Fortran Programming Guide

Listing Other Information

Additional linker debugging features are available through the linker's -Dkeyword option. A complete list can be displayed using -Dhelp.

Example: List linker debugging aid options using the -Dhelp option:

ld -Dhelp
debug: args           display input argument processing
debug: bindings       display symbol binding; 
debug: detail         provide more information 
debug: entry          display entrance criteria descriptors

For example, the -Dfiles linker option lists all the files and libraries referenced during the link process:

demo% setenv LD_OPTIONS '-Dfiles'
demo% f77 direct.f
 MAIN direct:
debug: file=/opt/SUNWspro/SC5.0/lib/crti.o  [ ET_REL ]
debug: file=/opt/SUNWspro/SC5.0/lib/crt1.o  [ ET_REL ]
debug: file=/opt/SUNWspro/SC5.0/lib/values-xi.o  [ ET_REL ]
debug: file=direct.o  [ ET_REL ]
debug: file=/opt/SUNWspro/SC5.0/lib/libM77.a  [ archive ] 
debug: file=/opt/SUNWspro/lib/  [ ET_DYN ]
debug: file=/opt/SUNWspro/SC5.0/lib/libsunmath.a  [ archive ] 

See the Linker and Libraries Guide for further information on these linker options.