Fortran User's Guide


Optimize for speed of execution using a selection of options.

    SPARC: 77/90 x86:77

Select options that optimize for speed of execution without excessive compilation time. This option provides close-to-the-maximum performance for many applications.

If you compile and link in separate steps, and you compile with -fast, then be sure to link with -fast.

Note -

This option is defined as a particular selection of other options that is subject to change from one release to another, and between compilers. Also, some of the options selected by -fast may not be available on some platforms.

Table 3-15 -fast selections across platforms
 SPARC x86









-libmil (f77) -f      (f90)-libmil



Details about the options selected by -fast:

It is possible to add or subtract from this list by following the -fast option with other options, as in:

f77 -fast -fsimple=2 -xnolibmopt ...

which overrides the -fsimple=1 option and disables the -xlibmopt selected by -fast.