Fortran User's Guide


Set floating-point trapping mode in effect at startup.

    SPARC: 77/90 x86:77

t is a comma-separated list that consists of one or more of the following:

%all, %none, common, [no%]invalid, [no%]overflow, [no%]underflow, [no%]division, [no%]inexact.

Where the % is shown, it is a required character.

The f77 default is -ftrap=%none. The f90 default is -ftrap=common.

This option sets the IEEE 754 trapping modes that are established at program initialization. Processing is left-to-right. The common exceptions, by definition, are invalid, division by zero, and overflow. For example: -ftrap=overflow.

Example: -ftrap=%all,no%inexact means set all traps, except inexact.

The meanings for -ftrap=t are the same as for ieee_flags(), except that:

To be effective, compile the main program with this option.

For further information, see the Floating-Point Arithmetic chapter in the Fortran Programming Guide.