Fortran User's Guide


Specify default data mappings.

    SPARC:77 x86:77

This option provides a flexible way to specify the byte sizes for default data types. Use of this option is preferred over -dbl and -r8.

The syntax of the specification string spec is:


No parts of the specification string can be left out. The accepted data sizes are 64, 128, for real and double, and mixed for integer. For example:"-xtypemap=real:64,double:64,integer:64"

This option applies to all variables declared with default specifications (without explicit byte sizes), as in REAL XYZ.

The allowable combinations on each platform are:

Table 3-23 Allowed -xtypemap= mappings



 real:64 real:64
 double:64 double:64
 double:128 -
 integer:64 integer:64
 integer:mixed integer:mixed

The mapping integer:mixed indicates 8 byte integers but only 4 byte arithmetic.

The -dbl and -r8 options have their -xtypemap equivalents

There are two additional possibilities on SPARC:

-xtypemap=real:64,double:64,integer:mixed -xtypemap=real:64,double:64,integer:64

which map both default REAL and DOUBLE to 8 bytes, and may be preferable over the use of -dbl or -r8 because they do not promote DOUBLE PRECISION to QUAD PRECISION.

Note that INTEGER and LOGICAL are treated the same, and COMPLEX is mapped as two REALs. Also, DOUBLE COMPLEX will be treated the way DOUBLE is mapped.