Fortran User's Guide

Performance Options

For the following performance options, those with the greatest significance are listed first.

Table 3-8 Performance Options 




Faster execution and compilation on native platform by using a set of options. 



Optimize performance--set optimization level 



Specify target hardware system. 



Collect or use data for a profile to optimize (SPARC).



Align COMMON block data and enable multi-word load/stores. (SPARC)



Arithmetic--use simple arithmetic model. 



Arithmetic--use SPARC non-standard floating point (SPARC).



Use inline library 



Traps--assume no memory-based traps (SPARC).



Unroll loops--advise optimizer to unroll loops n times.



Fast math--use special fast math routines (SPARC).


" -xlibmopt"

Architecture--specify target instruction set. 



Chip--specify target processor.



Check data dependencies--analyze loops (SPARC).



Inline the listed user routines to optimize for speed. 



Optimize across all source files on command line 


" -xcrossfile [=n]"

Do no optimizations that increase code size.

