Fortran User's Guide

Alternate Forms of Boolean Constants

f90 allows a Boolean constant (octal, hexadecimal, or Hollerith) in the following alternate forms (no binary). Variables cannot be declared Boolean. Standard Fortran does not allow these forms.


ddddddB, where d is any octal digit

Within an I/O format specification, the letter B indicates binary digits; elsewhere it indicates octal digits.


X'ddd' or X"ddd", where d is any hexadecimal digit


Accepted forms for Hollerith data are:










Above, "..." is a string of characters and n is the character count.

Examples: Octal and hexadecimal constants.

Boolean Constant 

Internal Octal for 32-bit word 

 0B 00000000000
 77740B 00000077740
 X"ABE" 00000005276
 X"-340" 37777776300
 X'1 2 3' 00000000443

Examples: Octal and hexadecimal in assignment statements.

 i = 1357B
 j = X"28FF"
 k = X'-5A'

Use of an octal or hexadecimal constant in an arithmetic expression can produce undefined results and do not generate syntax errors.