Fortran User's Guide

Declaration of Cray Character Pointers

For a pointee that has been declared with an assumed length character type, the Cray pointer declaration statement declares the pointer to be a Cray character pointer.

  1. Before the Cray pointer declaration statement, declare the pointee as a character type with an assumed length.

  2. Declare a Cray pointer to that pointee.

  3. Assign a value to the Cray character pointer.

You can use functions CLOC or FCD, both nonstandard intrinsics.

Example: Declare Ccp to be a Cray character pointer and use CLOC to make it point to character string s.

	POINTER ( Ccp, a )
	CHARACTER*80  :: s = "abcdefgskooterwxyz"
	Ccp = CLOC( s )