Fortran Library Reference

exit: Terminate a Process and Set the Status

The subroutine is called by:

call exit( status )




Example: exit():

    if(dx .lt. 0.) call exit( 0 )

exit flushes and closes all the files in the process, and notifies the parent process if it is executing a wait.

The low-order 8 bits of status are available to the parent process. These 8 bits are shifted left 8 bits, and all other bits are zero. (Therefore, status should be in the range of 256 - 65280). This call will never return.

The C function exit can cause cleanup actions before the final system 'exit'.

Calling exit without an argument causes a compile-time warning message, and a zero will be automatically provided as an argument. See also: exit(2), fork(2), fork(3F), wait(2), wait(3F).