Fortran Library Reference

libm Intrinsic Functions

Here is a list of the intrinsic functions in libm. You need not put them in a type statement. These functions take single, double, or quad precision data as arguments and return the same.

 sqrt(x) asin(x) cosd(x)
 log(x) acos(x) asind(x)
 log10(x) atan(x) acosd(x)
 exp(x) atan2(x,y) atand(x)
 x**y sinh(x) atan2d(x,y)
 sin(x) cosh(x) aint(x)
 cos(x) tanh(x) anint(x)
 tan(x) sind(x) nint(x)

The functions sind(x), cosd(x), asind(x), acosd(x), atand(x), atan2d(x,y) are not considered intrinsics by the FORTRAN 77 standard.