Fortran Library Reference

Usage: bic, bis, bit, setbit

call bic( bitnum, word )

call bis( bitnum, word )

call setbit( bitnum, word, state )

LOGICAL bit x = bit( bitnum, word )

bitnum, state, and word are INTEGER*4 input arguments. Function bit() returns a logical value.

Bits are numbered so that bit 0 is the least significant bit, and bit 31 is the most significant.

bic, bis, and setbit are external subroutines. bit is an external function.

Example 3: bic, bis, setbit, bit:

    integer*4 bitnum/2/, state/0/, word/7/
    logical bit
    print 1, word
 1    format(13x 'word', o12.11)
    call bic( bitnum, word )
    print 2, word
 2    format('after bic(2,word)', o12.11)
    call bis( bitnum, word )
    print 3, word
 3    format('after bis(2,word)', o12.11)
    call setbit( bitnum, word, state )
    print 4, word
 4    format('after setbit(2,word,0)', o12.11)
    print 5, bit(bitnum, word)
 5    format('bit(2,word)', L )
             word 00000000007
after bic(2,word) 00000000003
after bis(2,word) 00000000007
after setbit(2,word,0) 00000000003
bit(2,word) F