Sun WorkShop TeamWare 2.1 User's Guide

Moving and Renaming a Workspace

Since a workspace is a directory, you move it by changing its path name. There are two ways that you can move and rename a workspace:

In addition to changing the workspace path name, both methods also update the appropriate data files in the parent and child workspaces to contain the new name. These data files are discussed in "The Workspace Metadata Directory ".

Caution - Caution -

Do not use the mv command to rename or move workspaces.

The Configuring Rename command updates files in the workspace's parent and children, as well as logging the event in the Codemgr_wsdata/history file.

If you inadvertently use the mv command to move and rename a workspace and discover that it has become "disconnected" from its parent and children, you can use the Rename command to reconnect it.

For example, if you used the mv command to rename a workspace from A to B:

  1. Use the Rename command to rename B to C.

    This causes Configuring to update the workspace's new name (C) in the parent and child workspaces. To save time, be sure to use a path name on the same device.

  2. Use the Rename command to change C back to B.

    Everything should be reconnected.