Sun WorkShop TeamWare 2.1 User's Guide

Configuring Environment Variables

Configuring consults environment variables to direct some of its actions. Configuring uses the CODEMGR_WS and CODEMGR_WSPATH environment variables.

The CODEMGR_WS Environment Variable

If you do not explicitly specify a workspace as the focus of a Configuring command, many of the commands will consult the shell environment variable CODEMGR_WS to determine a default workspace as the focus of their action. If you have a workspace that is the primary focus of your work, using the CODEMGR_WS environment variable allows you to execute the commands without specifying the workspace argument.

The CODEMGR_WSPATH Environment Variable

When it is started, Configuring automatically loads workspaces from directory path names specified in the CODEMGR_WSPATH environment variable. You can set the CODEMGR_WSPATH environment variable to one or more directories that contain workspace directories. For example, to set CODEMGR_WSPATH to the directories /export/home/ws and ~/projects/ws, you would use the following command:

% setenv CODEMGR_WSPATH "/export/home/ws ~/projects/ws"

Note -

The CODEMGR_WS environment variable overrides the CODEMGR_WSPATH. environment variable. That is, the commands that you execute in Configuring use the default workspaces defined in the CODEMGR_WS environment variable.