Sun WorkShop TeamWare 2.1 User's Guide

Resolving Conflicts

During the Putback transaction, Configuring may determine that a file in the parent has been modified since it was last put back from that child or brought over into the child. In that case it blocks the Putback so that the changes are not overwritten and then notifies the user of the potential conflict.

Generally the owner of the child workspace will then attempt to update the child by bringing over the changed file. If, during the Bringover Update transaction, Configuring determines that the corresponding file in the child has also been modified since it was last brought over, a conflict exists.

Conflicts arise when corresponding files in both the parent and child have been modified. If Configuring were to overwrite either of the files, a loss of data would result. Before the specified file can be put back or brought over the user must resolve any conflicts.

When Configuring detects a conflict during the Bringover Update transaction, as described in the previous section, it then does the following:

In the case of most conflicts, the options available to the user for resolving conflicts are:

Configuring provides tools that aid in resolving conflicts, however, the conflicts must be resolved by the user. Refer to Chapter 9, Resolving Conflicts," for a detailed discussion about conflict resolution.