Sun WorkShop TeamWare 2.1 User's Guide

Rename Conflicts

In rare cases, a file's name is changed concurrently in parent and child workspaces. This is referred to as a rename conflict. For example, the name of file "C" is changed to "D" in the parent, and concurrently to "E" in the child.

Figure 8-4 File "C" is Concurrently Renamed in both Parent and Child Workspaces


When this occurs, Configuring determines that both "D" in the parent and "E" in the child are actually the same file, but with different names. In the case of rename conflicts:

When Configuring encounters a rename conflict, you are notified in the Transaction Output window with the following messages:

rename conflict: name_in_child
rename from: name_in_child
         to: name_in_parent