Sun WorkShop TeamWare 2.1 User's Guide

Loading Files from a List File

You can sequentially load files into Merging from a list of file names. For example, suppose ancestor versions of a project's source files are stored in a directory named /src. You have been editing the files file_1, file_2, and file_3 in your directory /usr_1, and another developer has been simultaneously editing the same files in the directory /usr_2. You have been given the responsibility of merging the changes to both sets of files, and you want to place the merged versions in a directory named /new_src.

To merge the /src, /usr_1, and /usr_2 directories, you first create a list file that contains only the names of the three files to be merged with each name on a separate line, as follows:


Name the file sourcelist and place it in the working directory where you plan to start Merging. Change to that directory (with the cd(1) command) and start Merging with the following command:

demo% twmerge -a /src -1 sourcelist /usr_1 /usr_2 /new_src &

This command causes Merging to load /usr_1/file_1 into the left text pane, /usr_2/file_1 into the right text pane, and compare both files to the common ancestor /src/file_1. After you have resolved the differences between the two files, choose Save from the File menu to automatically save the output file as /new_src/file_1.