Sun WorkShop Compiler C 5.0 User's Guide

How This Book Is Organized

Chapter 1, "Introduction to the C Compiler," provides information about the C compiler, including operating environments, standards conformance, organization of the compiler, and C-related programming tools.

Chapter 2, "cc Compiler Options," describes the C compiler options. It includes sections on option syntax, the cc options, and options passed to the linker.

Chapter 3, "Sun ANSI/ISO C Compiler-Specific Information," documents those areas specific to the Sun ANSI C compiler.

Chapter 4, "cscope:Interactively Examining a C Program," is a tutorial for the cscope browser which is provided with this release.

Chapter 5, "lint Source Code Checker," describes the lint program, its modes, options, messages, directives, and other helpful information.

Appendix A, "ANSI/ISO C Data Representations," describes how ANSI C represents data in storage and the mechanisms for passing arguments to functions.

Appendix B, "Implementation-Defined Behavior," describes the implementation-defined features of the Sun WorkShop C compiler.

Appendix C, "-Xs Differences Between Sun C and ANSI/ISO C," describes the differences in compiler behavior when you distinguish between Sun C and Sun ANSI C.

Appendix D, "Performance Tuning (SPARC)," describes performance tuning on SPARC platforms.

Appendix E, "Transitioning to ANSI/ISO C," provides tips and strategies for writing ANSI C compliant code.

Appendix F, "Converting Applications," provides the information you need to write code for the 32 bit or the 64-bit compilation environment.

Appendix G, "K&R Sun C / Sun ANSI/ISO C Differences," describes the differences between the previous K&R Sun C and Sun ANSI C.