Sun WebServer Installation Guide

Command-Line Utilities

Sun WebServer 2.0 has added numerous command line utilities for modification of its configuration files. These utilities are used at various locations in this document to explain migration to Sun WebServer 2.0. Please refer to the Sun WebServer 2.0 man pages for details on all Sun WebServer utilities available from the command line. For the commands referenced in this document, refer to the htserver(1m), hthost(1m), and htrealm(1m) man pages. For information on the referenced configuration files see httpd.conf(4),, access.conf(4), and realms.conf(4). Sun WebServer 2.0 also has an Administration Console, located in the package SUNWhtadm, that can be used to administer all aspects of the HTTP server. To access the Administration Console, you must also install SUNWixklg and SUNWixavm.