TotalNET Advanced Server 5.2 Release Notes

TAS File Conversion

The tnconvert utility upgrades TAS configuration files. It reads the files, converts them, writes the output to a log file at /etc/totalnet/convert, and saves your new activation key. With tnconvert, you may use the options in the table below. You will find the exact command-line format for tnconvert in the appropriate step of your Upgrading Steps section.

Table 2-1 tconvert command options


Prevents tnconvert from prompting you to resolve conflicts. If you use this option, tnconvert resolves conflicts using pre-defined default values. If you do not use this option, tnconvert prompts you to resolve conflicts.

-k activation-key

Allows you to avoid a prompt for the new activation key. Supply your activation key in place of the activation-key variable. If you do not use this option, tnconvert prompts for the new key.