TotalNET Advanced Server 5.2 Release Notes

File Synchronization

The tnvolck command, located in the TNHOME/usr/bin directory, checks TAS shadow files. With it, you may use the options in the table below. You will find the exact command-line format for tnvolck in the appropriate step of your Upgrading Steps section. For details, see the complete description of tnvolck.

Table 2-2 tnvolck command options


Checks all defined TAS volumes, except those with substitutable paths. If you use this option, you do not need to specify a volume and file.


Causes tnvolck to assume you answer yes to all questions and want it to make the default or indicated changes to your files and directories (see -p below).


Causes tnvolck to assume you answer no to all questions. This allows you to use tnvolck to check the volume without making any changes to it.


Causes tnvolck to keep the existing case in file names, even if the names contain mixed cases. Use this option only if you have set the volume's filename-case attribute to lower case. If you do not specify this option, tnvolck prompts for confirmation before converting the file name to lower-case.


Represents the volumes to convert. If you use the same volume name twice, tnvolck only scans the volume first.


Allows you to run tnvolck on a volume with a substitutable path. This option contains a list of directory names for tnvolck to use for that volume. If tnvolck comes across a volume with a substitutable path, but you have specified no file, tnvolck prints a warning and skips that volume. For more information on TAS support of substitutable paths, refer to the description of tnvolume in TAS Reference Manual, which you can access by clicking Documentation in the TotalAdmin menu frame of TNAS.

The tnvolck command uses the value of each volume's path attribute as a starting point for the volume check, unless the volume has a substitutable path. It checks each file and directory under the path. If two volumes resolve to the same path, tnvolck checks the path only once. If one path contains another path, you only need to supply the name of the volume with the higher-level path, since tnvolck checks subdirectories. If two volumes resolve to the same path, or if one contains another, and they have different file-name cases, tnvolck prints an error message and skips both volumes.