TotalNET Advanced Server 5.2 Release Notes



Run tnvolck on all TAS volumes except those with substitutable paths.


Assume a yes response to all questions asked by tnvolck.


Assume a no response to all questions asked by tnvolck.


Suppress file name conversion. 


Specify a volume. 


Specify a file name that contains a list of valid directory paths. Use this only if the volume has a substitutable path for its path attribute. The directory paths defined in this file substitute the volume's path attribute. If tnvolck finds a volume with substitutable path, but you specified no file, tnvolck prints a warning and skips that volume. For information on TAS-supported escape sequences for path substitution, refer to the tnvolume command description in the TAS Reference Manual, which you can access by clicking Documentation in the TotalAdmin menu frame of TNAS.