Using the Web Site

Chapter 2 Searching the Web Site

This chapter describes the search syntax and search options that you use to search the Web site. You can search for every document on this site regardless of the book's format. Available formats include:

Examples of the kinds of information for which you can search include book part numbers, phrases, and words.

Here is a list of the information in this chapter:

Narrowing Your Search

This section describes features on the Web site that enable you to restrict the scope of your search.

Search Book Titles Only

The site provides a book title-related option that enables you to narrow your search. Before requesting a search, you can select Search Book Titles Only by clicking the check box after the Go button. If you select Search Book Titles Only, the site searches only the titles of books for the word or phrase that you type.

Search Using the Within Pull-Down Menu

Within titles, subject categories, or product categories, you can limit searching to the books that belong to a particular subject or product. As you climb up and down a tree structure on the site, you can use the Within pull-down menu to narrow or expand the scope of your search by selecting a subcategory from a list of collections, subjects, or products. As you browse through categories and subcategories, those categories and subcategories are added to the list of options in the Within list. You can select any of the categories or subcategories in the Within list to modify the scope of your search.

To determine the scope of your search, choose one of the following options from the Within pull-down menu:

Search Syntax

Search syntax can contain any of the following elements:

What Happens When You Search Globally

The Web site is designed to search books, not pages within books. When you search globally or use the Within pull-down menu to search globally, the site treats all books equally, whether the word or phrase for which you search appears in XML-based books, HTML documents, or PDF-only books.

When you search all books or use the Within pull-down menu to search for information in a subject, product, or collection, the number of books that contain the string for which you searched is displayed at the top of the search results page. Only 50 books are displayed on a single page. If more than 50 books contain the string, the list of books continues on the next page. The page navigation bar at the top center and bottom center of the page indicates the total number of pages available. The indicator  Shows an icon of an arrow pointing upwards that indicates the current page in a series of pages on which matches are displayed points to the current page. You can display other pages by clicking the page number.

Note –

A large number of matches might indicate that you need to narrow your search, either by changing your search text or by using the Within pull-down menu to scope your search more narrowly.

The site displays a list of books that contains the word or phrase for which you searched in order of decreasing relevance. The relevance of a book is indicated by icons:

The name of the collection to which the book belongs is displayed below the title of the book, after the word “from.”

If you search for more than one word at a time, books in which the words appear closest to each other are displayed higher in the list. Books in which words appear further apart, within a maximum span of 30 words, are displayed lower in the list.

Books that contain words or phrases in a chapter title, section title, or similar element in a book are given greater relevance. These books tend to move up to the top of the list in relation to books that contain the same frequency of words or phrases but only in paragraphs instead of titles.

When you display the Web site in another language, the books that are written in that language appear at the top of the current list when you search the site. For example, if you display the content on the site in French, books written in French appear at the top of the current list when you search for a word or phrase.

Note –

When searching globally, the site ignores books and collections that require a password to access. Once you provide a password, however, you can search locally within a book, provided that book is XML-based.

What Happens When You Search Locally Within an HTML-Based or XML-Based Book

When you open and search for information in an XML-based book on the Web site, the site displays the book's table of contents with icons that indicate the relevance of book elements.

Words for which you search are highlighted within XML-based books. In this way, you can search and browse within a book at the same time. This feature is not available within HTML-based books.

Note –

The browsing mechanism that is available on the Web site is not only a browsing mechanism, but also a mechanism that you can use to search within titles, subject categories, or product categories.

For example, you can restrict the set of documents that you want to search for a word by selecting the Product Categories tab, then clicking the Software, Solaris, Solaris 8, and Solaris 8 System Administrator Collection links, and then, in the Search For window, typing the word for which you want to search within that collection. When you browse to and open a book in that collection, that word is highlighted when it appears in the text.

Examples of Search Syntax

The following table provides examples of search syntax.

Table 2–1 Search Syntax Examples




Finds documents that contain lowercase and capitalized instances of this word. 


Finds documents that contain words matching the uppercase, lowercase, and mixed case spelling of this word, for example, jumpstart, JumpStart, and JUMPSTART. 

Solaris JumpStart 

Finds documents that contain these words anywhere in the document and in any order. 

Solaris + JumpStart 

Finds documents that contain one or both of these two words or the plus sign (+) anywhere in the document and in any order. For example, the site finds JumpStart and the plus sign (+) in this text: 

Task Map: CD-ROM + Diskette Custom JumpStart Installations. 

Note –

The Web site treats the plus sign (+), ampersand (&), pipe symbol (|), greater than symbol (>), minus sign (-), and the words “and” and “or” as unique words rather than as search operators.

"Solaris JumpStart" 

Finds documents that contain these two words anywhere in the document, in this order, in uppercase, lowercase, and mixed case, even if punctuation appears between these two words. 

"Solaris JumpStart" "Solaris Installation" 

Finds documents that contain both the phrases Solaris JumpStart and Solaris Installation, in any order, in uppercase, lowercase, and mixed case, even if punctuation appears between the words in one or both of these phrases. 


Finds documents that contain the part numbers 806–6829, 806–6828, and 806–6827. 

"Solaris 9 System Administrator Collection" 

Finds documents that contain the phrase Solaris 9 System Administrator Collection in the text. 

Note –

The titles of collections of books are not indexed. You can not display the contents of a collection by searching for the collection's title.