Sun Directory Services 3.1 Administration Guide

Checking Log Files

The log directory, by default /var/opt/SUNWconn/ldap/logcontains eight log files, dsserv.log, dsradius.log, dsweb.log, dsnmpserv.log, dsnmprad.log, dsserv_admin.log, dspush.log, dspull.log. When a log file reaches its maximum size, by default 500Kbytes, another one is created, with a .1 suffix. When this one in turn reaches the maximum size, another one is created with a .2 suffix, and so on up to .9. This means that you can have up to 40 log files of 500 Kbytes each.

Because the log file mechanism can use a lot of disk space, it is good practice to delete log files that are no longer of any use to you.