Sun Directory Services 3.1 Administration Guide

string2instances Function

The string2instances function breaks down a specified string into instances. The syntax for this operation is:

variableA=string2instances("string", "separator")


variableA identifies the variable

string identifies the unit of information, variable or parameter, to which the operation applies. This value must be specified between quotes because it could contain a space.

separator indicates where to split the information into instances. This value must be specified between quotes because it could contain a space.

For example, in nis.mapping, the following definition in the Condense section of the bootparams file breaks down a string of parameters into separate instances:

bootParameterT=string2instances($parametersT," ")

The string2instances function is also used to specify the inheritance tree for an object class. For example, if the object class of an entry created using a particular mapping definition is organizationalPerson, the Condense section of the mapping definition must contain the line:

objectClassT=string2instances("top person organizationalPerson", " ")