Sun WebServer 安裝手冊 Solaris Easy Access Server 版

Sun WebServer 轉換

以下範例示範 Sun WebServer 1.0 httpd.confaccess.acl 轉換成 Sun WebServer 2.0 的完整過程。除非轉換需要用到新的 2.0 設定指引,否則新的 2.0 設定指令在以下範例中一律不予處理。

Sun WebServer 1.0 httpd.conf 轉換成 2.0
  1. 假設以下 Sun WebServer 1.0 /etc/http/httpd.conf 檔案:

    server {
    	server_root								"/var/http/demo"
    	server_user								"root"
    	mime_file										"/etc/http/mime.types"
    	mime_default_type			text/html
    	acl_enable									"yes"
    	acl_file											"/etc/http/access.acl"
    	acl_delegate_depth		3
    	cache_enable							"yes"
    	cache_small_file_cache_size	8
    	cache_large_file_cache_size	256
    	cache_max_file_size									1
    	cache_verification_time					10
    	map			 /cgi-bin/					/var/http/demo/cgi-bin/			cgi
    	map				/sws-icons/			/var/http/demo/sws-icons/
    	mime_add		"appication/java"				class
    	mime_add		"audio/basic"								au
    	mime_add		"audio/basic"								snd
    url {
    	doc_root									 "/var/http/demo/public"
    	user_doc_enable			"no"
    	user_doc_root					"public_html"
    	cgi_enable							 "no"
    	cgi_dns_enable		"no"
    	cgi_suffix_enable	    "no"
    	cgi_user										"nobody"
    	log_type										"elf"
    	log_prefix								"/var/http/logs/http"
    	log_max_files						7
    	log_cycle_time					1440
    	log_max_file_size		1048576
    	ssi_enable									"no"
    	ssi_exec											"no"
    	ssi_xbithack							"off"
    	mime_add								"application/x-csh"		csh
    	mime_add								"application/xsh"				sh
    url //widgets {
    	doc_root								 "/var/http/widgets/public"
    	user_doc_enable		"yes"
    	user_doc_root				"public_html"
    	cgi_enable						 "yes"
    	cgi_dns_enable			"yes"
    	cgi_suffix_enable	 "yes"
    	cgi_user									"nobody"
    	log_type								"clf"
    	log_prefix						"/var/http/logs/widgets"
    	log_max_files				7
    	log_cycle_time			1440
    	log_max_file_size		1048576
    	ssi_enable							"yes"
    	ssi_exec									"yes"
    	ssi_xbithack					"full"
    	map 		/cgi-bin/				/var/http/widgets/cgi-bin/		cgi
    	map 		/sws-icons/		/var/http/widgets/sws-icons/
    port 80 {
    	keepalive_enable			"yes"
    	request_timeout				180
    port 1880 {
    	keepalive_enable			"yes"
    	request_timeout				180
    	hosts_supported				widgets
  2. 建立一個新的伺服器以便轉換(以 1.0 的設定值為新伺服器而建立的配置檔案,我們將予以修改):

    #htserver add "server1"
  3. 加入一個站台:

    # hthost add -i server1 -h widgets \
    	-s /var/http/server1/websites/widgets
  4. 修改伺服器層級檔案 /etc/http/server1.httpd.conf

    server {
    	server_root						"/var/http/server1/"
    	server_user						"root"
    	mime_file								"/etc/http/mime.types"
    	mime_default_type	 	text/html
    	access_enable					"yes"
    	cache_enable						"yes"
    	cache_small_file_cache_size		8
    	cache_large_file_cache_size		256
    	cache_max_file_size									 1
    	cache_verification_time					 10
    url {
    	site_path					/var/http/server1/websites/default_site
    	site_config			"conf/"
    	site_enable			"yes"
    url //widgets {
    	site_enable				"yes"
    	site_path						"/var/http/server1/websites/widgets"
    	site_config				"conf/"
    	conn_end_points :80
    port 80 {
    	keepalive_enable	"yes"
    	request_timeout		180
    port 1880 {
    	keepalive_enable	"yes"
    	request_timeout			180
  5. 修改 /etc/http/mime.types

    application/java				class
    audio/basic									au snd
  6. 修改 /var/http/server1/websites/default_site/conf/

    url {
    	doc_root						/var/http/demo/public
    	map_file						conf/map.conf
    	realm_file				conf/realms.conf
    	access_file			conf/access.conf
    	content_file		conf/content.conf
    	mime_file					conf/mime.types
    	user_doc_enable		"no"
    	user_doc_root				"public_html"
    	cgi_enable							"no"
    	cgi_dns_enable			"no"
    	cgi_suffix_enable	"no"
    	cgi_user									"nobody"
    	log_type									"elf"
    	log_prefix							"/var/http/server1/logs/default"
    	log_max_files					7
    	log_cycle_time				1440
    	log_max_file_size	 1048576
    	ssi_enable							"no"
    	ssi_exec									"no"
    	ssi_xbithack					"off"
  7. 建立 /var/http/server1/websites/default_site/conf/mime.types

    application/x-csh			csh
    application/x-sh				sh
  8. 修改 /var/http/server1/websites/default_site/conf/map.conf

    map 		/cgi-bin/				 /var/http/demo/cgi-bin/		cgi
    map			/sws-icons/			/var/http/demo/sws-icons/
  9. 修改 /var/http/server1/websites/widgets/conf/

    url {
    	doc_root						/var/http/widgets/public
    	map_file						conf/map.conf
    	realm_file				conf/realms.conf
    	access_file			conf/access.conf
    	content_file		conf/content.conf
    	mime_file					conf/mime.types
    	user_doc_enable			"yes"
    	cgi_enable							 "yes"
    	cgi_dns_enable				"yes"
    	cgi_suffix_enable	 "yes"
    	cgi_user									 "nobody"
    	log_type									 "clf"
    	log_prefix							 "/var/http/server1/logs/widgets"
    	log_max_files					7
    	log_cycle_time				1440
    	log_max_file_size		1048576
    	ssi_enable								"yes"
    	ssi_exec										"yes"
    	ssi_xbithack					  "full"
  10. 修改 /var/http/server1/websites/widgets/conf/map.conf

    map 	/cgi-bin/				 /var/http/widgets/cgi-bin/ 	cgi
    map 	/sws-icons/			/var/http/widgets/sws-icons/
Sun WebServer 1.0 access.acl 轉換成 2.0
  1. 假設以下 Sun WebServer 1.0 /etc/http/access.acl 檔案以及 /var/http/widgets/widgets.acl委託檔案:

    • /etc/http/access.acl:

      url "/sws-administration" {
      	authentication_type			md5
      	realm																serverAdmin
      	password_file								 /etc/http/
      	+ user															 *
      url "/statistics" {
      	authentication_type			basic
      	realm																statsRealm
      	password_file								/var/http/demo/stats/usrs
      	group_file											/var/http/demo/stats/grps
      	+ user															*
      url "//widgets" {
      	delegate										/var/http/widgets/widgets.acl
    • /var/http/widgets/widgets.acl:

      url "/" {
      	authentication_type			basic
      	realm																widgetsRealm
      	password_file								/var/http/widgets/users
      	group_file											/var/http/widgets/groups
      	+ user						 *
      	- user						 Joe
      	- group						thoseDenied
  2. 建立一個整體serverAdmin領域(在 /etc/http/realms/ 中),並將其使用者檔案換成 /etc/http/

    註解 -


    # htrealm add -r serverAdmin -s HTPASSWD
    # cp /etc/http/ /etc/http/realms/serverAdmin/users
  3. 建立一個整體 statsRealm,並以設定於上述 "/statistics" URL 中的檔案取代其 users 與 groups 檔案。將此新的領域加入內定站台以及 widget 的 realms.conf 檔案內:

    註解 -

    底下的<hostname> 是指工作站的 主機名稱,用以設定內定站台。

    # htrealm add -r statsRealm -s HTPASSWD
    # cp /var/http/demo/stats/usrs /etc/http/realms/statsRealm/users
    # cp /var/http/demo/stats/grps /etc/http/realms/statsRealm/groups
    # htrealm add -i server1 -h widgets -r statsRealm \
    	-s HTPASSWD -d /etc/http/realms/statsRealm
    # htrealm add -i server1 -h <主機名稱> -r statsRealm \
    	-s HTPASSWD -d /etc/http/realms/statsRealm
  4. 在此 widgets 站台建立一個區域 widgets 領域 ,並以上述檔案取代其 users 與 groups 檔案:

    # htrealm add -i server1 -h widgets -r widgets領域 -s HTPASSWD
    # cp /var/http/widgets/users \
    # cp /var/http/widgets/groups \
  5. 修改 /etc/http/access.conf

    url /sws-administration {
    	authentication_type				md5
    	realm																	serverAdmin
    	+ user																*
  6. 修改 /var/http/server1/websites/default_site/conf/access.conf

    # Specify /sws-administration ACL here for site administration,
    # 	create a siteAdmin realm and add administrators to that realm
    # url "/sws-administration" {
    # 	authentication_type			md5
    # 	realm																siteAdmin
    # 	+ user															*
    # }
    url "/statistics" {
    	authentication_type				basic
    	realm 																statsRealm
    	+ user																*
  7. 修改 /var/http/server1/websites/widgets/conf/access.conf

    # Specify /sws-administration ACL here for site administration
    url "/statistics" {
    	authentication_type				basic
    	realm																	statsRealm
    	+ user															*
    url "/" {
    	authentication_type				basic
    	realm															 		widgetsRealm
    	+ user																*
    	- user																Joe
    	- group															thoseDenied