Solstice NFS Client 3.2 User's Guide for Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT

Script Interpreter Command

The syntax of the sunwrun.exe command is:

[drive:[path]]sunwrun.exe [-ripn] [drive:[path]]file.snc

You can specify multiple script file names on the command line. Each file name must end with the .snc extension. The interpreter will execute each file, in order, until a script exits with a non-zero exit code or all files are processed.

Options include:


Causes the script interpreter to reset the shared environment before interpreting the first file. 


Causes the script interpreter to reset the shared environment after interpreting the last file. 


Causes the script interpreter to execute files only from the location specified in the SNDRIVE variable.


Causes the script interpreter to exit immediately after executing the last script file, rather than waiting the default 5 seconds provided to enable the user to view the output.