Solstice NFS Client 3.2 User's Guide for Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT

SNC Scripts on PC-Admin Clients and Solstice NFS Clients

While, for the most part, you can run existing PC-Admin SNC scripts unchanged, there are some differences that you should be aware of.

Ignored Script Directives

The following directives are ignored by the script interpreter.


Function in PC-Admin 


Starts the Microsoft Windows Login dialog box 


Logs out current user and set current user ID to nobody


Prevents users from mounting drives 


Copies local to global variables 


Shuts down client's connection to network 

MOUNT -o preserve

Prevents user from unmounting a drive or printer 

MOUNT -o type

Media type (cdrom or std)

New Script Directives for Windows 95 and Windows NT Clients

New commands are available that enable you to read and write to the system Registry.

Read Values from the Current Registry

The SET REG command enables you to read values from the system Registry into a variable. This is analogous to the SET NIS command. The keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE may be abbreviated to HKLM and HKEY_CURENT_USER may be abbreviated to HKCU.

Write Values to the Registry

The REG directive command enables you to write to the system Registry. This command should be used with great caution.

For example, the command REG NEWKEY keypath creates a new key, and the command REG DELKEY keypath deletes the named key.

NIS and NIS+ Changes

Solstice Network Client supports both NIS and NIS+ on Windows 95 and Windows NT clients. The SET NIS directive looks up values in either or both NIS and NIS+, depending on the configuration of the local machine.

To facilitate backward compatibility, you should use NIS table names, unless you KNOW that you are using NIS+ in native (non-yp) mode. If you are using NIS+, do NOT add the trailing org_dir to the table name.

If NIS+ is enabled, table names are converted according to these rules:

For example,

If you are adapting PC-Admin scripts, note that the return value from NIS+ can be different from NIS, so you may need to use the SET STR command to alter the result.

The SET STR VAR=# %OTHERVAR and SET STR VAR=* %VAR% directives are useful for this purpose. See the description of SNC directives in "SNC Script Directives".