Solstice NFS Client 3.2 User's Guide for Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT

Using User Profiles on Windows NT

Windows NT 4.0 security requires a user profile for each user account. When a user logs in for the first time, Windows NT automatically creates a user profile. You can also create and modify user profiles on a computer running Windows NT Server. On Windows NT, all user-specific settings are automatically saved into the Profiles folder within the system root folder (typically C:\winnt\profiles).

You can create user profiles on the client running Windows NT and store them on an NFS server. You must specify the path name of the user profile in the NT user's account information. For users with only local NT user accounts, you must specify the user profile path name in each user account on each client.

If you have an NT domain set up with domain user accounts, you can specify the user profile path in the user's account on the domain controller. Then, whenever the user logs in, the user profile is downloaded and run.