Solstice NFS Client 3.2 User's Guide for Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT

Mapping a WebNFS Drive

You can map a drive on a WebNFS server using any of the methods already described for mapping drives. This includes mapping a drive from Network Neighborhood, from Windows Explorer, using the toolbar icon, and with the net use command (on Windows NT only).

When you are required to enter a path name, use the following syntax:


The port is optional. If not specified, port number 2049 is assumed.

The path is evaluated by the server relative to the public file handle. Note that if the path begins with a slash, it is evaluated relative to the root directory on the server.

For example, if the public file handle is associated with the directory /home, then the URL


refers to the path /home/charlie/dir1/dir2, and the URL


refers to the same path relative to the root directory on the server.