Solstice NFS Client 3.2 User's Guide for Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT

To Install rpc.pcnfsd on a Server Running the SunOS 5.4 Operating System or compatible Verstions

  1. Move to the product installation page, to the section marked Server Components, and click SPARC or x86 to download the correct version of the server software to your machine.

    The compressed tar file is copied to your system (pkgs.sparc.tar.Z or pkgs.i386.tar.Z, depending on your operating system).

  2. Uncompress the file. For example, on a SPARC system, type

    uncompress pkgs.sparc.tar.Z 
  3. Extract the files. For example, for a SPARC system, type

    tar xvf pkgs.sparc.tar

    This creates four packages: SUNWipop, SUNWlit, SUNWlicsw, and SUNWpcnfsd. You can then run the pkgadd utility in this directory to install the software on your system.

  4. Become superuser.

  5. Enter the following command:

    pkgadd -d `pwd`

    Note -

    If you change to the directory where you installed the packages, you can type: pkgadd -d.

    When you press Return, the pkgadd program displays information for the SPARC architecture and similar information for Intel, as in the following example.

    The following packages are available:
      1  SUNWipop      Solstice Internet Mail POP3 server
                       (sparc) 1.0
      2  SUNWlicsw     FlexLM License System
                       (sparc) 5.12a
      3  SUNWlit       STE License Installation Tool
                       (sparc) 4.0
      4  SUNWpcnfd     PC-NFSpro Daemons
                       (sparc) 1.2
    Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process
    all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: 
  6. Enter the number 4 to select the PCNFSD daemon package.

    During the installation, you are prompted for permission to execute with superuser privileges. Answer yes to each request.

    When the package has been installed, the original pkgadd screen is displayed.

    The pkgadd program stops related server daemons already running, starts the server components, and copies a script to the init.d directory to start these components each time you reboot the machine.

  7. Set the man page path or add the man pages to your man page directory.

    Find out where the man pages are located.

    Enter env and look at MANPATH. For example:

    # env | grep MANPATH
  8. Copy the man page for pcnfsd.1m into section 1M. For example:

    # cp /opt/SUNWpcnfs/man/pcnfsd.1m /usr/share/man/man1m
  9. If necessary, create a pcnfsd configuration file, /etc/pcnfsd.conf.

    This file is used to contain configuration information for PCNFSD printing. (See "Configuring the PCNFSD Daemon".) Refer to the man page pcnfsd(1m) for information about this file.

  10. Once rpc.pcnfsd starts, you must export the print spool directory created by rpc.pcnfsd.

    For example:

    # share -F nfs /var/spool
    # echo share -F nfs /var/spool >> /etc/dfs/dfstab
  11. If you are supporting user and group polices for your Solstice clients, create a directory for policy files called /opt/MSPolicy.