i-Planet Administration Guide

Chapter 4 i-Planet User Administration Command Line Interface

This chapter describes the Java command line interface that i-Planet administrators can use to:

Configuring and Testing Classpath Settings

The command-line utility is a Java class called UserAdminCL. Before you can run UserAdminCL, you must be root on your i-Planet server and have the classes shown in Table 4-1 in your classpath:

Table 4-1 Classes for UserAdminCL


Default Location 









Java 1.1 JDK 


Setting Your Classpath

Use the following procedure to set your classpath so you can use UserAdminCL.

To Set Your Classpath
  1. As root, type the following command to set your classpath:

    # CLASSPATH=/opt/SUNWjeev/classes/SNUtils.jar:/opt/SUNWjeev/classes\

  2. Type the following command to export your classpath:

    # export CLASSPATH

Verifying the Settings to Use UserAdminCL

Use the following procedure to verify the settings to use UserAdminCL:

To Verify Settings to Use UserAdminCL
  1. As root, type the following command to run UserAdminCL:

    # java com.sun.stnr.useradmin.UserAdminCL

If you see the following usage message, you are ready to use UserAdminCL.

com.sun.stnr.common.CommandLineException: missing switch: +action
usage: [jre|java] com.sun.stnr.useradmin.UserAdminCL +action

[create|delete|get|list] [-srclogin] [-destlogin] [-usersfile]

[-defsfile] [-older] [-nologin] [-debug] [-interactive]

If you see other error messages, verify your classpath and try again.

Using UserAdminCL

The UserAdminCL supports several actions:

You must use the +action command-line switch and one of the actions listed above. Depending on the action, other optional switches provide additional information. Each switch is described below and illustrated with an example.

Using UserAdminCL Summary

The actions and switches available are summarized as follows:

Listing i-Planet Users

You can list all i-Planet users who have logged in or for whom profiles have been created in standard output (one line per user).

You can use two optional switches with the list action:

To List i-Planet Users Without Any Switch
  1. Type the following command to list all i-Planet users without any optional switch, for example:

    # java com.sun.stnr.useradmin.UserAdminCL +action list

    This command lists all i-Planet users who have logged in or for whom profiles have been created:


To List i-Planet Users With the -nologin Switch
  1. Type the following command to list all i-Planet users with the -nologin switch, for example:

    # java com.sun.stnr.useradmin.UserAdminCL +action list -nologin

    This command lists all i-Planet users who have not logged in:


To List i-Planet Users With the -older N Switch
  1. Type the following command to list all i-Planet users with the -older N switch, for example:

    # java com.sun.stnr.useradmin.UserAdminCL +action list -older 30

    This command lists all i-Planet users whose last login was more than 30 days ago:


Viewing an i-Planet User's Properties

Use the following procedure to view an i-Planet user's properties through standard output. Key-value pairs are separated by a new line.

To View an i-Planet User's Properties
  1. Type the following command to view an i-Planet user's configuration, for example:

    # java com.sun.stnr.useradmin.UserAdminCL +action get -srclogin jdoe

    This command displays the properties of the i-Planet user specified after the switch -srclogin:

    + properties for login=jdoe

Creating a New i-Planet User

You can create a new i-Planet user using the properties of an existing i-Planet user, using the configuration files that you specify, or using system defaults as the basis:

Creating a New i-Planet User Using an Existing i-Planet User As the Basis

If you provide both the -srclogin SRCID and -destlogin DESTID switches, the create action makes a new i-Planet user based on the properties of the existing i-Planet user that you specified. The new i-Planet user has the login ID of DESTID and has each property of the i-Planet user with login ID SRCID (except the IMAP password).

To Create a New i-Planet User Using an Existing i-Planet User As the Basis
  1. Type the following command to create a new i-Planet user using an existing i-Planet user as a basis, for example:

    # java com.sun.stnr.useradmin.UserAdminCL +action create -srclogin olduser \
    -destlogin newuser

    This command returns the confirmation that the user indicated in the command was created:

    # + created user=bc81306

Creating an i-Planet User from System Defaults

If you provide only the -destlogin DESTID switch, then you create a new i-Planet user based on system defaults. The system defaults for creating a i-Planet user in this fashion are stored in the default i-Planet user configuration file and the default profile file.

The following properties are in i-Planet's default user configuration file /etc/opt/SUNWstnr/defaultUser.conf:

The following properties are stored in i-Planet's /opt/SUNWjeev/profiles/.default file:

To Create a New i-Planet User Using System Defaults As a Basis
  1. Type the following command to create a new i-Planet user using system defaults as a basis, for example:

    # java com.sun.stnr.useradmin.UserAdminCL +action create -destlogin bc81306

    This command returns the confirmation that the user indicated in the command was created:

    + created user=bc81306

Creating New i-Planet Users From a Text File

If you specify neither -srclogin nor -destlogin switches with the create action, then UserAdminCL reads data for the new i-Planet user from text files. You can create multiple identical i-Planet users using predefined defaults that are set up in a defaults file, or by specifying the per i-Planet user configuration in a flat file, or both. You can specify two command line switches:

Each line in the users file contains information for a single user in the form of one or more key-value pairs. Keys and values are separated by an = (equals sign), and key-value pairs are separated by a ; (semicolon); see the example for the Procedure "To Create New Users From a Text File" below. Only the key session.uid is required--any other pairs are optional.

The defaults file format is identical to that of the i-Planet users file, except that it contains only a single line of properties. The properties specified in the defaults are applied to each i-Planet user named in the i-Planet users file for any values not explicitly specified in the i-Planet user's file.

Note -

i-Planet stores an i-Planet user's IMAP mail password as an encrypted value. It is encrypted with a proprietary algorithm. If you wish to specify a mail password for each i-Planet user in the users file, you can do so, but it must be in plain text. The password will be encrypted before it is saved.

For example, to add three i-Planet users and specify an IMAP password, a mail server, and calendar server for each, you can use the following procedure.

To Create New Users From a Text File
  1. Create a ./users file, for example.

    This file should contain the following information:


    This file is used to specify information that is different for each i-Planet user that is being created. At a minimum, each i-Planet user's login name (session.uid) and the IMAP mail password (IMAP.Mail.password) falls into this category.

  2. Because the mail and calendar server are constant among all the i-Planet users, create a ./defaults file with a single line to populate the mail and calendar server values for all users, for example:


  3. With these files in place, type the following command to run UserAdminCL:

    # java com.sun.stnr.useradmin.UserAdminCL +action create 
    + created login=bob 
    + created login=bill 
    + created login=jan

    This command returns the confirmation that the user or users indicated in the command were created:

    + created login=bob 
    + created login=bill 
    + created login=jan

Deleting i-Planet Users

You can remove i-Planet users from the system in three different ways: by user ID, by user's last login time (if any), or by reading a list of login IDs from a text file.

In addition to any specific i-Planet user being deleted, all i-Planet users "aliased" to this user are also removed.

Deleting a Specific i-Planet User by Userid

If you specify the -srclogin LOGINID switch after the delete action, then the login ID LOGINID will be removed from the i-Planet database.

To Delete a Specific i-Planet User by Userid
  1. Type the following command to delete a specific i-Planet user, for example:

    # java com.sun.stnr.useradmin.UserAdminCL +action delete -interactive \
    -srclogin jb34290

    This command returns the confirmation that the user indicated in the command was deleted:

    + deleted login=jb34290

Deleting i-Planet Users Based on Last Login Time

If you specify either the -nologin or -older N switches, i-Planet users are removed based on their last update time (stored as the value for the i-Planet user's Common.UpdateTime property). You can view this property with the get action.

To Delete i-Planet Users Based on Last Login Time Using the -older N Switch
  1. Type the following to delete i-Planet users based on last login time using the -older N switch, for example:

    # java com.sun.stnr.useradmin.UserAdminCL +action -interactive delete -older 30 

  2. Confirm that you want the user indicated deleted by typing y or n:

    + delete login=bob [yes/no] y 
    + deleted login=bob 
    + delete login=bill [yes/no] y 
    + deleted login=bill 
    + delete login=bob [yes/no] n 
    + no action for login=jan

To Delete i-Planet Users Based on Last Login Time Using the -nologin Switch
  1. Type the following to delete i-Planet users based on last login time using the -nologin switch, for example:

    # java com.sun.stnr.useradmin.UserAdminCL +action delete -interactive -nologin 

  2. Confirm that you want the user indicated deleted by typing y or n:

    + delete login=bob [yes/no] y 
    + deleted login=bob

Deleting i-Planet Users According to a List

If you do not specify -older N, -nologin, or -srclogin switches with the delete action, a list of i-Planet users to be removed will be read from a text file. You can provide the file name on the command line to identify the file to be used. If you do not specify a file, ./users will be used.

UserAdminCL reads a list of login IDs from the users file and deletes each one from the system.

The format of this users file is identical to the users file described in the section "Creating New i-Planet Users From a Text File". However, only the session.uid property is used and all other content is ignored.

To Delete i-Planet Users According to a List
  1. Type the following to delete i-Planet users according to a list, for example:

    # java com.sun.stnr.useradmin.UserAdminCL +action delete -interactive 

    This command returns confirmation that the users who meet the criterion in the command are deleted:

    + deleted login=bob 
    + deleted login=bill 
    + deleted login=jab

    Note -

    You can specify the -interactive switch to prevent prompting.