i-Planet Administration Guide

Address Ranges

An address range is a set of numerically contiguous IP addresses. Networks and subnetworks are typically identified by an address range name. You use the beginning and ending addresses to identify an IP address range.

To Add a Range of Addresses
  1. As root, type the following to add a range of addresses, for example:

    # fw.address add mynet RANGE "An example of a \
    range of address named mynet"

    The range represents all the addresses inclusive between the address and It is named mynet.

To Delete an Address or a Range of Addresses
  1. As root, type the following to delete the range of addresses that you have named myhome, for example:

    # fw.address delete myhome 

To List an Address
  1. As root, type the following to list a single name of an address or a range of addresses, for example:

    # fw.address list myhome 

    The address range currently defined as myhome is listed.

To List All Addresses
  1. As root, type the following to list all addresses currently defined:

    # fw.address list

    All addresses currently defined are listed.